Jo’s Daily Questions, November 16-31, 2022
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Nov 18, 2022

Jo’s Daily Questions, November 16-31, 2022

Answers to Jo’s daily questions for November 16-31, 2022.

16. “Live hard, die young and leave a beautiful corpse” ~OR~ “Live long and prosper”?

Live long and prosper obviously – because Star Trek!

17. What are you most likely very wrong about?

I’m not sure. Probably something to do with Kokoomus on more than a few fronts. I keep getting surprised when they support things like womens’ abortion rights because their views on economics, the unemployed and poverty are evil and cruel and I expect the same from them on everything else too.

18. If you were put into solitary confinement for six months, what would you do to stay sane?

Can you get a tv there? Paper and pen? Books to read? Music to listen? If so, I’d watch tv, write a journal, read books and listen to music. I don’t know if solitary confinement for that long is even possible here in Finland.

19. Can you list three good things that happened this week?

No, no I can’t. My weeks are usually just “okay” and this past week has been resoundingly “okay”.

20. Are child-proof containers becoming increasingly adult-proof?

Donno about child-proof, but milk containers that were easy to open before, then were redesigned to be even easier to open by the elderly with bad fingers have certainly became harder to open in reality!

21. Does your morning “getting ready” routine vary much between work days and weekends (or other days off if you work weekends)?

I don’t work so my morning routine doesn’t change usually. It changes if I have a very short hair and need to go outside for things like grocery shopping, a library visit or to pick up a parcel or something like that. When I have a very short hair, on those mornings I wash it because otherwise it just sticks up greasily in a hundred directions and refuses to settle down and looks dirty even if I just washed it the night before. Otherwise my routine is the same every day.

22. Does stress cause to you eat more or does it kill your appetite?

Neither. It causes migraines, and when I was a child my atopic skin rashes would also get worse. That occasionally still happens too. But usually migraines. It doesn’t have any effect on my appetite.

23. If, in a multi-story building, you only have to go up or down one or two flights, would you prefer to use the stairs rather than an elevator?

Elevator to go up, and stairs to go down.

24. Is there some old family belief, practice, routine or tradition that you know is nonsensical, but you still catch yourself doing it anyway?

Using things until they fall apart. Like towels etc.

25. What makes you feel terrible while you’re doing it but great when you’re done?

Baking, these days. Cleaning, always.

26. How’s your sleep been this week?

I’ve slept okay, but wake up a lot like once an hour or every 1,5 hours.

27. What is the purpose of art in society? You can define “art” as broadly as you like.

To give you pleasure and lift up your spirits. Both creating it, and seeing/listening/reading it. To help you grow as a human being, to open you up to new experiences and points-of-views.

28. November 28 is “Red Planet Day”. Do you think humans will ever get to Mars? Is this an endeavour that we should be devoting resources toward or would the money be better spent here on earth?

Space nut in me says “Yes, let’s all go to Mars ASAP!!!” but the poor in me says to first we need to make things better for poor people, and to fix the planet.

29. If everything else about your life stayed the same, how well could you get by living homeless for a year?

I don’t know. They say that all/most people who live on the streets here in Finland is because they choose it over the homeless homes. So maybe I would be a place in one of those homeless homes or I’d be helped to get an apartment by the social services. I don’t think I could manage well otherwise – the fall and winter is cold so I’d need somewhere warm to stay. And I need meds every day to keep my Crohn’s in check and the meds need to be store in a stable environment, not subjected to humidity or cold and warm randomly. They also say that in the homeless homes your things often get stolen etc. so it’d be hard. I hope I never become homeless but it’s not very many steps away – if a certain set of bad circumstances all happen at the same time and don’t get solved speedily, I can see it happening to me.

30. What in your residence is approaching its last days?

Bathroom. The apartment complex did a humidity measurement for all the bathrooms in our appartments a few weeks ago, and while my bathroom is good as far as that goes, they also said that my bathroom (which is original, 24 years old) is coming up on end of life. So looks like a bathroom renovation is coming up in not too distant future. Not sure if I’m to do it, or if it’ll be done collectively for all apartments needing it.

Also, probably my fridge and couch.

Jo’s Daily Questions – November 1-15, 2022
Posted on
Nov 2, 2022

Jo’s Daily Questions – November 1-15, 2022

Answers to Jo’s daily questions for November 1-15, 2022.


1. What immature behavior have you displayed recently?

Nothing irl, but so much just in general in online fandom, always to do with shipping.

2. What are some very salty foods you enjoy?

Potato chips. Mettwurst.

3. What are some major global events that have occurred during your lifetime?

Well, the COVID-19 pandemic, obviously.
Mobile and then smart phones.
Russia’s attack in Ukraine.
The fall of Berlin Wall.
Several recessions

4. The restaurant is out of your favorite salad dressing. What do you order instead?

Salad dressing isn’t a factor in my choice on what to order – I don’t even think about it. I don’t have a favorite salad dressing because I almost never use it (we didn’t use them when I was a kid and I’ve never learned). I decide the hot dish, and then side dish is whatever. Continue reading Jo’s Daily Questions – November 1-15, 2022

Posted on
Oct 31, 2022

Jo’s Daily Questions – October, 2022

I totally forgot again to answer to Jo’s daily October questions So here’s the whole month in one go!

1. What was the last item you returned or exchanged at a store?

It’s been such a long time since the last time that I don’t remember exactly what it was! But it would’ve been some kind of clothing.

2. What’s an unlikely movie sequel you’d like to see?

I don’t know that there’s any… I tend to feel that good movies don’t need a sequel because they’re complete as they are. And often when there is a sequel, it’s a lot worse than the previous movie.

3. Do you tend to read reviews of films or TV shows that you’re considering watching? What about reviews of books or albums? How much influence might a good or bad review have on you?

Not usually, no! I want to watch the first one or two episodes on my own to form my own opinion and only then seek out reviews to see what others thought about those eps. But if one of my fave actors is starring in a movie/tv show, then I like to read a general write up about it and see what they think of my fave’s performance, or an interview with her/him about the work before watching it. I try to avoid spoilers! Continue reading Jo’s Daily Questions – October, 2022

Posted on
Oct 28, 2022

The Friday Five for 28 October 2022

Answers to this week’s question at thefridayfive @ Dreamwidth. Image from Pixabay because pretty and I do enjoy some tea!


1. Do you like spicy food?

Not really, I’m a rather picky eater in all aspects. I do like a little spicy meal every now and then, but nothing overwhelming or that covers the other flavors.

2. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?

I don’t usually have cereal, but when I do, I prefer it crunchy.

3. Do you like ice in your drinks?

Not usually. Maybe on a very hot heat wave day sometimes.

I don’t drink alcoholic drinks, but if I did, I think I’d like ice in them.

4. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?

Like I said I’m a rather picky eater and although I’m better about it now, I still don’t eat strange things because they always also look weird/suspicious/strange and that’s a nope. When I was a kid, I loved to dip very thin slices of meetvursti (mettwurst, salami, pepperoni? I think in English) in either strawberry or banana yoghurt (and still do sometimes!) and I’ve been told that’s strange and weird!

5. What food would you like to eat right this minute?

A glass of very, very cold milk and a fresh banana that isn’t at all green anymore but also is not at all over-ripe yet either but is just perfect instead.


Jo’s Weekly Questions – September, 2022
Posted on
Sep 30, 2022

Jo’s Weekly Questions – September, 2022

Image from Pixabay. Because pretty.

I totally forgot to answer to Jo’s weekly September questions So here’s the whole month in one go!

1. How important is it to you that people remember, spell, and pronounce your name correctly? Why?

Very important! Because one is my name, the other is not to quote Data from TNG.

My real first name (Piia) is spelled with two “i” letters, and all through my school years I had to specify that, because it can also be spelled with one “i” and all the teachers tended to assume that the one “i” was the correct form for me too, not the two “i”s one. To confuse the matter further, another girl in my class had very nearly the same name and that name (Mia) could also be spelled with either one or two “i”s… but her name was spelled with one “i”. So we both had that problem, just in reverse! Teachers were always confused about our names! My parents apologized so many times for giving me such a troublesome name – it hadn’t even occurred to them that the one “i” spelling would be also an option and often assumed. Probably because the one “i” version is a foreign/Swedish version, and the two “i”s version is the Finnish one. But both spellings are probably both used as much so one isn’t more common than the other.

Even now, when I have to give out my name for a new doctor or a nurse, if they don’t have my information on their systems yet, I have to make sure they catch it’s with two “i”s, not one!

Pronouncing is always correct because no matter if it was one or two “i”s, it is the same.

2. Are you a hugger or a non-hugger? Why?

When I was growing up hugging wasn’t really a thing in except in the immediate family (so children and parents, sometimes grandma), at least in my family, and I’ve lived alone since I was 17 so I’ve never got used to hugging most people. My friends, cousins and I don’t ever hug, it’s just not something we do except in exceptional circumstances like when somebody died or something like that. I don’t see them hugging their friends when we meet as a group, only their kids and SOs and parents. I do sometimes miss hugging/physical closeness with someone while living alone like I do.

That said, I have liked the “stranger” hugs I’ve received when my Dad died so I’m not categorically opposed to it or anything. It’s just not something my circles normally do. I normally only hug my Mom. And my Mom’s best friend and I sort of half-hug each other these days. It’s nice. Continue reading Jo’s Weekly Questions – September, 2022