The Friday Five for 23 December 2022
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Dec 23, 2022

The Friday Five for 23 December 2022

Today’s questions over at thefridayfive@DW

1. Which television series do you wish they had canceled?

None. If I never cared about a tv series in the first place, then I don’t care whether it’s on or not. And if it’s a tv series that I used to care about, but lost interest before it ended, then also I don’t care whether it’s still on or not.

2. If you could go back in time and change one thing in history, what would it be and why?

I think, Covid-19 pandemic being still ongoing, I’d probably change that! So people wouldn’t die, and the loss of health for many of those who didn’t die of it.

3. Name a song/artist/album that changed your life and why.

No of those has ever changed my life.

4. Name one movie you were looking forward to seeing only to be bitterly disappointed by it, then explain why.

I can’t think of one! There’s been movies I’ve looked forward to and been disappointed, but I guess I just forget about them because I can’t bring one to mind.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was kind of one – but it was because I was in a horribly bad mood when it was released on home media. I hadn’t seen that one yet, had been low key looking forward to it after liking the first two movies, and thought it’d be a great distraction and make me feel better and forget about being in a bad mood. Instead, I just saw all the flaws and everything, even tiniest of tiny things, annoyed me! It wasn’t the movie itself; I just shouldn’t have watched it at that time! I wasn’t in the headspace for it. I don’t usually misjudge my mood and what helps so badly, but that time I did.

5. Should people really idolize celebrities? (Not just people like Paris Hilton, but others such as Jimi Hendrix, Katharine Hepburn, Jim Morrison, Gene Kelly etc.)

No. They’re just people, let them be just people! You can admire a person’s skills and talent without idolizing them.

Friday 5 for December 16: Gimme some sugar
Posted on
Dec 16, 2022

Friday 5 for December 16: Gimme some sugar

Answers to today’s questions over at

1. How much of a sweet tooth do you have?

A HUGE sweet tooth! I love candy, chocolate, pies, cake, ice cream, hot cocoa… pretty much all of it!

2. What sweet dishes do you prefer at breakfast?

I don’t usually eat breakfast, but when I do I don’t do sweet. A fresh squeezed orange juice and a Croissant is as close as I get and only as a very rare treat. I don’t want anything like jam or whatever.

3. What have you recently gotten a sweet deal on?

I got a package of Pirkka Costa Rica coffee for free today from my local market. Several times a year they offer a personal, free product (often a new product line) of their choosing for free. I could choose the roast though. I don’t drink coffee though so I’m going to give it my Mom tomorrow.

4. What are some good songs with the word “sweet” in the title or lyrics?

Billy Idol’s “Sweet Sixteen” is a favorite of mine! It came to mind immediately.

5. What evidence might someone present to prove you are a sweet person?

I don’t think I’m sweet. Maybe because I associate that word with overly sugary niceness and sunshine disposition and that’s not me. But I’ve been told I’m sweet and kind because I’m always ready to answer questions about how to cap stuff, make tutorials or explain in detail how I’m capping say 4K/UHD or HDTV, or make things downloadable from my Coppermine site, or help people figure out their own computers when they’re using Mac and I’ve never used one.

Jo’s Daily Questions, December 1-16, 2022
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Dec 2, 2022

Jo’s Daily Questions, December 1-16, 2022

Time for the first half of Jo’s daily questions!

1. Who was the president/prime minister/leader of your country when you were born?

The president: Urho Kekkonen
Prime minister: Kalevi Sorsa

2. What is the best way to spiffy-up french fries?

I like them nice and salty and crispy and then dipping one end into ketchup.

3. When did you last unexpectedly receive something for free?

It’s either the 500ml hand sanitizer bottle or the Aco Face Scrub. I got the both from my local pharmacy in the last 2-3 months, but can’t remember which is the most recent.

4. Do you donate food (or money) to food banks?

No, I can’t afford to. If I did that, I’d have to go to the bread line myself.

5. Does your mental image of yourself correspond with what you see in the mirror?

Sort of, but not entirely in all aspects.

6. Would you consider leaving your body to medical science? Or maybe just parts of your body?

Sure! I’m actually thinking about doing this – in hopes that it’ll help advance the understanding of the illnesses I suffer from: particularly Crohn’s Disease and chronic, complicated migraine but also Type 2 Diabetes, iron deficieny, hypothyroidism. Continue reading Jo’s Daily Questions, December 1-16, 2022

Friday 5 for November 25: Don’t touch that dial
Posted on
Nov 28, 2022

Friday 5 for November 25: Don’t touch that dial

Answers to’s last friday’s questions.


1. What was the most recent physical book you purchased and/or read?

I haven’t bought a physical book in years! The physical book I’m currently reading is Lumihauta by Tuire Malmstedt. It’s a library book – I have library books literally always at home.

2. What was the last compact disc you listened to?

I’ve no idea! It’s been like 10 years or more since the last time! I download music now, and also ripped all the CDs I own to my hard drive more than a decade ago so I never load the CDs themselves anymore.

3. What did you last watch on DVD?

Again, it’s been such a long time that I’m not entirely sure, but I think it’s disc 1 of season 5 of Xena: Warrior Princess a few years ago. I remember that one because my cd-rom had trouble loading the disc. If we’re counting Blurays too, then Westworld season 1 earlier this year.

4. Whom did you last speak to on a landline?

Whom did I last call on landline? No freaking idea, it’s been too long! I haven’t owned a landline in 21 years now, only cellphones. Who last called me from a landline? My Mom. She was the last one to own a landline in my circles but even she hasn’t had one now for about a decade. Or I don’t know if offices such as the unemployment agency, KELA or the Health Center/Hospital still uses landlines. If they do, then one of them.

5. What did you last purchase with cash?

Groceries, today.

The Friday Five for November 18, 2022
Posted on
Nov 21, 2022

The Friday Five for November 18, 2022

Really late with these but my answers to last Friday’s questions at thefridayfive@LJ

1. If you could pick any tee shirt in the world to wear, what would it say?

Nothing! I don’t like texts on my shirts. Instead it would have a cool pattern with pretty colors.

2. What is the one thing (apart from your family and pets) you’d save from your burning house?

My medications, my laptop, my phone, my important papers – how am I to choose one?!? I also think that because I live alone I might have time to grab more than one thing and those I listed are the ones I’d try to get, if the situation allowed, in that order. Of course it would depend on where each item is and where the fire is.

3. What is your favorite way to wear your hair?

I LOVE having my hair very short – sort of similar cut to what Morena Baccarin had when she was in V in 2009-2011 except the top is a little longer. Didn’t think I would and always had hair down to my shoulders or mid-back, but about 7 years ago I started wanting a really short hair, kept having it cut shorter and shorter but didn’t dare that short until about 5 years ago when I decided that it’s just hair – if I hate it, it’ll grow back! Well I LOVED it instead and felt like it was me from the first moment. I did grow it back to mid-back after about 1,5 years of shor but then went short again about after having a long hair again for a year or so, and have had this short hair ever since! I just love it. It’s so tidy and doesn’t get in my eyes and mouth when it’s windy (which is a lot of the time) because it’s so short. I have a blond, straight, very fine hair and there’s a lot of it, so windy always makes me feel messy and untidy and if I use enough product to keep it tidy when it’s long, the hair feels unpleasant and often looks oily because it’s so fine that most products aren’t really designed for that fine hair. So I’m happy with my short hair 😀 

4. What are you thankful for this year?

My Mom.

5. If you could do or go anywhere, what would you do or go?

On a space cruise on the first TNG Enterprise!