The Friday Fives
Posted on
Oct 19, 2023

The Friday Fives

From last week:

friday 5 for october 13: capitalizing on opportunity

1. When did you last visit a building where legislation or executive governing take place?

The last time was when I went to the police station to collect my new ID. It was during COVID-19 but I can’t remember whether it was in 2021 or 2022.

2. What do you carry on your person, in a bag, or in your car, just in case?

Don’t have a car, but in my backpack I always have water, migraine pills, diarrhea pills and if I’ve been having a worse-than-normally bad bowels symptoms day/week/month, I also a carry a change of panties, trousers (and if it’s autumn/winter, also winter leggins) in case I have an accident, and also plastic bag to carry the soiled clothes back home.

3. When did you last lower yourself (physically) through an opening of some kind?

Um… when I was a little kid and climbing on a kids climbing scaffolding thingy? Don’t know what they’re called in English. They’re made of metal or ropes and taller than kids are.

4. How do you feel about the death penalty?

I don’t feel much of any kind of way. My country doesn’t have death penalty. I’ve never had to really think about it. Part of me mildly thinks there are crimes that deserve death as punishment, but also part of me thinks that if a person commits such a crime, then the society has failed them and that society has no right to take anyone’s life.

5. Which vocalists most impress you with their ability to sing in the upper register?

Dunno about upper register, but I love Ofra Haza’s voice. She sings “Love Song” without musical accompaniment and it’s wonderful. Oh, Whitney Houston had an impressive upper register I thought! And Sarah Brightman has a wonderful voice too!

The Friday Five for 13 October 2023

1. Are you superstitious?

Nope. Although sometimes I wonder when I’ve lost something such as one of my cheese slicers, search for it for months with no luck, finally cave in and buy a new one – and then two days later, find the missing old one! Things like this seem to happen to often!

2. Which superstitions do you believe in and act on?


3. What superstition does someone close to you believe in and act on?

None that I’ve noticed.

4. Do you take any extra precautions on Friday the 13th?

Nope. I don’t normally even notice that “today’s the day with the bad number of the month and the day of the week that combined is said to be bad” unless somebody points it out to me.

5. Do you secretly judge superstitious people?

Nope. Only if their superstitions affect other people negatively and then I judge them publicly.

Yesterday Was a Good Day!
Posted on
Oct 9, 2023

Yesterday Was a Good Day!

I went to see my Mom and her SO and spent about 6 hours with them. We made good food: mashed potatoes and pan-fried vendace and it was delicious. The SO makes the best mashed potatoes and the potatoes were particularly flavorful/tasty this time so the mash was even better than usually.

I upgraded their Windows 10 laptop to Windows 11 – it had been nagging them to upgrade for about a year, and the  main reason we hadn’t done it yet is that my laptop can’t physically run Windows 11 (it’s missing some needed component). Mom doesn’t really understand things like upgrading programs etc. and almost everything being in English makes it worse (she doesn’t speak English), so I have to give her computer support via telephone rather a lot, and it’s easier when we have the same OS. But she’s been getting fed up with the upgrade nagging, and I figure Windows 11 is still Windows so it shouldn’t be too different. Worst case scenario I have to go over a little more often so not worse case at all!

The upgrade went quickly and smoothly! They have a very slow, basic internet connection so I connected their laptop to my smart phone’s internet  and it only took about an hour to download the Windows 11 installation files. The upgrade itself kept all the files and settings so no reinstalling everything needed. I remember the times when upgrading Windows and reinstalling everything took a whole weekend! It’s so painless now.

Yesterday was a really good day! Even my head didn’t burst into a migraine even though it threatened to in the evening. Courtesy of Ajovy :mrgreen:

Friday 5 for October 6: Boo!
Posted on
Oct 6, 2023

Friday 5 for October 6: Boo!

This week’s questions over at 😀 

1. How easily are you startled?

Not easily at all. I rarely get truly scared in real life and never watching a movie or reading a book.

2. What music do you find scary?

No music is scary. Music can and does contribute very much in a scary/creepy/tense scene in a movie but music by itself isn’t ever scary to me.

3. When did you last attend a performance you didn’t think highly of?

I don’t attend performances as a rule (money and migraine) and the very few ones are the ones I know I’ll enjoy beforehand because it’s a band or an artist or a play I enjoy already. So I’d have to go with the time in the 1980s when I was in school and we as part of the school curriculum went to see a handful of art performances. One of which was some ballet in the city theatre. I didn’t think much of that one because I have never enjoyed ballet, and at the time I also didn’t appreciate classical music.

4. What caused your most recent small cut or scrape?

I’m not entirely sure but I think I scratched myself in my sleep 2 nights ago. The whole episode was kind of weird because I just suddently noticed 6 short red scratches on the back of my right hand very late in the evening on Wednesday. I’d been doing stuff that day with my hands that I’d think I’d noticed the red velts during the 12 hours or so of writing, typing, emptying the dishwasher etc. I also don’t think I did anything during the day to cause the scratches so I must’ve made the nail marks while sleeping the previous night. Maybe the velts just took unusually long to show up?

5. When was your ego most recently bruised, and what did you do to recover?

I can’t remember.

Weird September
Posted on
Sep 29, 2023

Weird September

This September has been so weird! Normally the average temperature in September is around 10-12 degrees Celcius, but this year the temperature has been closer to 20 than 10. Days have been around 18-19 degrees, with nights going down to maybe about 14 from what I’ve observed. It certainly isn’t normal to be having 18 degree days when October is only a two days away. Usually I don’t have to have my fan running a lot in September anymore, but I’ve been running it every day at least for a while because it’s too warm inside and keeping windows open.

But somehow it hasn’t been warm like 18 degrees should be – instead it’s been kind of chilly/sticky/maybe sunny and if you put a thin long sleeved shirt on, it’s too much but if you’re in normal short sleeved t-shirt, you’re kind of almost cold. It’s like you can’t get comfortable no matter how you dress right now 🤨

Or maybe it’s just my body that is is out of whack… most other people are wearing normal autumn clothes (wind proof jackets and trousers, closed shoes) and I’m in my summer outfits because I get hot if I wear even thinnest long sleeves, but kind of cold but not really if I’m not wearing it 🤪 And the past little more than a week, every morning around 9-10 I notice I’m hot and sweating indoors when all sense says I shouldn’t be and there nothing causing it as far as I can tell. So is the weather weird or am I when I feel the weather’s being all muggy and sweaty and weird for being September? My Mom did say the other day after having been out for a stroll that she thought too the weather was weird that day. Honestly though, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s my body being weird considering all the chronic illnesses and deficiencies it has and the amount and number of medications needed to keep it functional!

Not to mention, I’m the age that statistically I might/should be in  perimenopause now or start it any moment now. I can’t tell whether I am or not – I don’t have any of the typical symptoms I’ve read about except the hot flashes thing but I’ve been getting easily over heated since I was a kid and nothing’s been so out of the ordinary that I could say for sure I’m in perimenopause. No to mention that my chronic illnesses themselves and their medications can affect the body’s ability to control temperature as well somewhat, according to my doctors. And I’ve also read that there are also women who don’t get the symptoms or hot flashes and only realize they’re in menopause when their periods stop, and that you can’t know whether or not you’ll get mild symptoms, horrible symptoms or no symptoms at all until they happen or not. Anyway, menopause is on my mind somewhat the last few years because I’m so ready to be done with periods!

Anyway, September has been weirding me out and that’s never happened before!