Friday 5 for December 29: Repetitively redundant
Posted on
Dec 29, 2023

Friday 5 for December 29: Repetitively redundant

Today’s questions over at

1. What inconveniences do you experience every single day?

Physical pain and poverty.

2. What do you wish you weren’t so often in close proximity to?

There’s nothing physical that fits this question. More like things that happen but not routinely throughout the entire year. Such as hot weather days/weeks during summer and too-warm indoor temperatures hot weather causes when it goes on for more than a few days in a row.

3. This past week, what would you have appreciated some advance warning about? (alternate question: What were you grateful to receive advance warning about?)

This week has been good! I didn’t get, or need, advance warnings about anything this week. We did plan in advance to meet up on the 25th for Christmas and 28th for my Name Day, but those plans aren’t “warnings” – they’re good things I looked forward to!

4. What caused you to smile happily today?

Having slept on the brand new sleeping pillow I got for my Name Day yesterday! I adore new sleeping pillows so it brought a smile to my face to realize I had slept better than normal last night and I think it’s because of the brand new sleeping pillow!

5. When did you recently give in to a sudden impulse?

I can’t remember… I feel like it was in the last few weeks and involved baking…? But my memory is pretty shot these days so it might’ve been in November already….

The Friday Five for 22 December 2023
Posted on
Dec 22, 2023

The Friday Five for 22 December 2023

Today’s questions at thefridayfive @ Dreamwidth.

1. Are you easily offended or upset by things other people post online?

Offended? Never because why should I be offended by what some idiot thinks or says?

Upset? I sometimes get upset and kind of scared by certain people and particularly by certain politicians expressing certain views on poverty, poor people and the unemployed when they have an education and should know better. But I don’t allow myself to get stuck in it.

2. How much does the order in which the Friday Five questions are presented here matter to you?

Not at all! There’s been a few times when my answer to a question flows naturally to the next question and it’s more by coincidence than design. I like those times!

3. Have you ever made an effort to be inclusive, only to have someone complain that you were not being inclusive enough?


4. Are you having a happy holiday season?

It’s my normal, so not happy and not bad. Although today I’m very frustrated by some new, idiotic KELA bureaucracy but that will pass as the day goes on. It doesn’t make anything factually worse for me, the thing just takes longer and is now a more rigid process than before, while KELA is making factually more work for itself because of the new rules. So I’m kind of LOL at KELA, insisting on making more work for itself.

5. Which holidays do you observe or celebrate?

We don’t celebrate but we do observer some: Christmas, New Year, Easter, May Day, Midsummer Day, Valentine’s Day. Mostly this just means eating good food/specialty food that’s available usually only for that holiday. Christmas is the only time we visit as a family as much as possible as a matter of course, the other times are just regular visiting that may or may not fall on some holiday and are not planned ahead as such.

The Friday Five for 8 December 2023
Posted on
Dec 8, 2023

The Friday Five for 8 December 2023

This week’s questions at thefridayfive @ Dreamwidth.

1. It’s 17 days until Chrismas. How do you feel about that?

That means it’s 8 days until my Mom’s birthday – that’s more important to me! We “don’t belong in the church” (as we say here) so we don’t celebrate Christmas as a religious thing, for us it’s just a time to eat well, make some specialty foods and get together as a family for a day or an evening. So I’m looking forward to it.

2. It’s the second night of Hanukkah. How do you feel about that?

Is it? I don’t.

3. It’s Howie Hawkins’s birthday. Have you wished him a happy birthday yet?

I have no idea who that is but Happy Birthday!

4. John Lennon died on this date in 1980. Your reaction?

It’s a pity when a talented person dies before their time, but apart from knowing he’s considered a legend, I’ve never felt connected to him or his music. I don’t listen to it. So I don’t have a personal thoughts.

5. Beethoven’s 7th Symphony premiered in Vienna with Beethoven conducting, on this day in 1813. Can you hum any part of the 7th?

I’m not sure. Which one is the 7th again…? I know very few classical music pieces by their name, even though I like several a lot but for some reason I can never remember their names. I just got the ones I like a lot dumped on a folder on my laptop and know that whatever I play from there, I’ll enjoy. So no need to remember the names!

Jo’s Daily Questions – November 2023
Posted on
Nov 29, 2023

Jo’s Daily Questions – November 2023

Jo’s daily questions for November!

1 – Extra Mile Day: When was the last time you went the extra mile for someone, or someone went the extra mile for you? Tell us about it.

I’m not sure. Does it count if my Mom came shopping with me a few months ago when I needed to buy some storage boxes? It would’ve been incredibly cumbersome get them home by two busses because of their sizes? They have a car and she was happy to go with me. I think the last time I did was when Mom was still recovering from hip surgery and her SO had to go away for a few days. I stayed with Mom those days just in case although she thought she’d do fine by herself but we all thought better safe than sorry.

2 – Stress Awareness Day: How stressful is your everyday life? How well do you deal with stress? Do you have any tried-and-true strategies for handling stress?

I have chronic stress about money and my health situation. I’m not sure how well I deal with it – I think pretty well, but then it always occurs to me that just maybe my migraine situation wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have that stress. I read a lot of fiction that distracts me my issues. Sometimes if it’s very bad, I sleep too much because of the stress and to make the time pass faster. I also try to remind myself that I’ve been trhough bad stuff before and I’ve always survived it. And if there’s a stressfull thing with a definite end date (such as a colonoscopy), I strongly remind myself that by this time tomorrw/next week/next year that particular stress will be solved. One way, or another, but it will be solved.

3 – Sandwich Day: Do you like sandwiches? What’s your favourite sandwich filling?


Cold sandwhiches with cheese and lunch meats never taste as great as I imagine they will when I see them/read about someone eating one. I’m always mildly disappointed! But it’s still my favorite!

Hot sandwhich: toast bread, tomato puree, lunch meat, blue cheese, pineapple and cover it all with lots of grated pizza cheese and heat in the oven until the grated pizza cheese has melted, puffed up and is golden with just a hint of brown. Continue reading Jo’s Daily Questions – November 2023

Update Note
Posted on
Nov 24, 2023

Update Note

Just a quick note that I’m back from the colonoscopy!The Doctor said my bowels look good, in fact about as good as bowels can look! No signs of early stages of cancer, no signs of inflammation. He took biopsies as well and I’ll hear the results of those on December 12. The blood labs taken last week also look good. CRP and Calpro are somewhat elevated, but both have been so for more than a decade now and seem to be normal for me because all my illnesses. (CRP is actually the lab that told the doctors something was going on back in 2008-2012 when I kept showing up complaining about diarrhea that wouldn’t go away. Several times I felt like if if hadn’t been for that elevated CRP, the doctors might have concluded, after doing tests for many things and all coming back negative, that it might be in my head!) Anyway, those two are something to keep eye on but not to worry about. So far so good!

I rewarded myself with Frezza Choco Loco, croissants and rye bread for getting through the “special diet for a week-empty the bowels-colonoscopy” process again!

Now I’m going to do nothing but idle stuff the rest of the day.