Posted on
May 23, 2011

Tooth Removal

I had the dentist’s appointment today, and he didn’t even try to convince me to have root canal instead of removing the tooth 😀 So the first of the two teeth is out now 🙂 Took 55 minutes (which is interesting, because a friend of mine had her wisdom teeth removed, 2 of them at one time, and she said it took like 10 minutes.

The dentist said my bone is so strong, that it doesn’t want to give up the teeth. The teeth broke, and he spent like half an hour removing the bit that was left.

At first it was a little uncomfortable, but he gave me so much local anaesthetic that once it really took hold, I didn’t feel much of anything but tugging/pushing/pulling and heard the drilling. It’s still on, but I wonder how much it’ll hurt after the anaesthetic ends.

The second teet will be removed in July, and this time is a 6o minute appoitment 🙂

I had all my wisdom tooth removed over 20 years ago when I was a teenager; I can’t remember if it was as hard work then as it was now. I had 4 of them; they took two on  one time and the other two on another.

Posted on
May 18, 2011

Life Is Shit = Possible Delays In Updates

Life is shit. Just when my own health problems are getting better and I can pretty much have a normal life now (yay!), my Mom gets sick: first PMR (Polymyalgia rheumatica) diagnosed in March, and this week the regularly made (every 1-2 years for her age group) mammography revelead breast cancer. The oncologist/surgeon’s consultation is on Friday and the preliminary date for the surgery is next week’s Wednesday.

Apprently it “isn’t the most aggressive form of breast cancer”, and as I understand, it was discovered early (I hope!!!), but still. Shit. Why are we having this streak of bad luck with health stuff? Mom hasn’t had any health problems for like 45 years, and I hadn’t had either until suddenly in 2008. And since then, nothing but??! Stupid life. At least Mom’s “boyfriend” (funny calling a 60+ year old man a boyfriend but they aren’t married so)  isn’t having any new developments on health front *knock on wood*

This situation may delay website updates. We don’t know anything about what happens after the surgery yet,  what treatments she’ll need to undergo – chemo I believe no matter what, but the others, no idea. Dad had to have the full range of the treatments for his cancer (brain cancer) and he still died four years after the first diagnosis despite two surgeries and all the cancer treatments. I’ve been doing research on breast cancer, and in Finland, 89% of patients are still alive five years later, and “most of them” are considered healed. So that gives hope, right?

Right now I’m not able to concentrate on website stuff much, don’t know what happens when we know more. So updates will happen when they happen.