Posted on
Jun 8, 2011

I’m Back!

I just got back today, our plans changed a little so I was a day longer. We had great time, Mom and I, and I personally loved it that I was able to spend 3 of the heatwave days in her home, which is a lot cooler than mine πŸ˜€

The new internet connection seems to be working like a charm πŸ˜€ and I’ll be getting back to normal schedule tomorrow πŸ™‚

Posted on
May 27, 2011

Mom + Fansites + Internet Connection

Mom’s operation went well and she got back home yesterday as planned. So far she hasn’t had much pain, and she’s feeling alright. The arm pit things were clean and they didn’t have to remove any of them so that’s awesome πŸ˜€ but there are other biopsies that we’ll get the results of three weeks from now before we know for sure whether it had spread or not. But so far so good and we’re taking it one step at a time πŸ™‚ But I am very relieved πŸ˜€

In other news…

A couple of weeks ago, I adopted a fansite for Game Of Thrones, the HBO tv series. Didn’t announce it until Gertie bought a domain for it: Game Of Thrones Fan. Game Of Thrones is currently the tv series I most look forward to each week πŸ˜€

Also, it took a few days, but Gertie finally renewed the domain so the site is back and working again!

I’ve ordered a dedicated ADSL to my appartment because my current one, which is a free one offered by my appartment building, has slowed down unbearably. The new ADSL should be installed on June 7, and it all should happen in such a way that I don’t loose internet accessibility at any point, I’ll believe it when I see it. So I might disappear for a bit if something goes wrong with it.

Posted on
May 23, 2011

Tooth Removal

I had the dentist’s appointment today, and he didn’t even try to convince me to have root canal instead of removing the tooth πŸ˜€ So the first of the two teeth is out now πŸ™‚ Took 55 minutes (which is interesting, because a friend of mine had her wisdom teeth removed, 2 of them at one time, and she said it took like 10 minutes.

The dentist said my bone is so strong, that it doesn’t want to give up the teeth. The teeth broke, and he spent like half an hour removing the bit that was left.

At first it was a little uncomfortable, but he gave me so much local anaesthetic that once it really took hold, I didn’t feel much of anything but tugging/pushing/pulling and heard the drilling. It’s still on, but I wonder how much it’ll hurt after the anaesthetic ends.

The second teet will be removed in July, and this time is a 6o minute appoitment πŸ™‚

I had all my wisdom tooth removed over 20 years ago when I was a teenager; I can’t remember if it was as hard work then as it was now. I had 4 of them; they took two onΒ  one time and the other two on another.

Posted on
Apr 27, 2011

Livejournal, Hiatus, Flu

It’s that time of year again – weather turns to spring and summer, and I whine about it. It’s been very springy the last two weeks or so, weather is almost hot in the sun but still cold in the shade, and I got the flu to prove it πŸ™ And as always in the spring and summer when the sun shines, the inside temperature of my appartment goes up unbearably – it’s already gone up to 27 degrees Celcius… I fucking HATE spring and summer.

Anyway, I I said I got the flu and that pushes my end of hiatus a bit – I had planned to officially come ouf of hiatus in the beginning of May, but now I’m officially pushing it at least mid-May. I’m not going to do anything except script updates (if there are any) until this stupid flu is completely over.

And the last bit of news… I renamed today my LJ account nekhbet_ariane to my original account name ariane179254after the first rush of excitment I never really liked the other name, and what I should’ve done when I quit LJ as personal site was delete all posts & everything on ariane179254 and just keep that name. I kept all the connections/posts/whatever between the new name and the old name, so the change should be seamless and nothing gets lost/deleted etc.