Posted on
Nov 15, 2012

Slow Internet

Noticed an hour ago that my internet is slooooow. I did a speed test and download stream is only 2.2MB when it should be 10MB. The upload speed is normal. Why does it always have to be the end of the week?! :/ I’ve never had internet connection problems at the start of the week so it always takes forever to fix them :/

Checked my ISP’s info page and there’s been G3 and G2 speech data transfer problems in the town next over affecting people there since noon that they’re currently working on to fix, and it logically should not affect anyone’s ADSL here but from past experience I know that it somehow can, so I don’t want to report it until the page says it fixed so that I can if my problem fixes itself along with it. Which it being 3pm now means tomorrow if it doesn’t, and tomorrow being Friday means they’re not going to work on it until some day next week :/


EDIT – 3,5 hours later : well, wouldn’t you know – the page says the problems in mobile data transfers in the town next over which shouldn’t affect fixed ADSL here, is now repaired and so is my internet! I don’t get it but as long as it works…

Posted on
Sep 10, 2012

Health Update – Not Yay

I had the check up with the gastroenterologist today – the end result that I get to go in for a 3rd colonoscopy. Oh yay.   Calprotectin which has been all up and down over the last 3,5 years is up to around 1150 now which is my highest ever (before it was 650) and the gastroenterologist says it can’t be because of byle mal-absorbson. 1150 sounds high but I’ve read and it can be several thousands – even over 10000 – in “serious” bowel diseases such as Crohn’s Disease. So I doesn’t overly worry me, more like makes me curious.

The colonoscopy may or may not reveal a cause – he says the Calprotectin indicates could be a tear in mucous membrane somewhere in the bowel, but wondered about the 2010 colonoscopy didn’t show anything if so because diarrhea had been going on for a little over a year at that point – based on the previous colonoscopies. And then, even though a second capsule endoscopy may be in order if the colonoscopy doesn’t show anything. Even though a capsule endoscopy was just done in February. Fun fun fun. Argh!

Continue reading Health Update – Not Yay

Posted on
Jul 26, 2012

Fucking FUCK!

Fucking SCREAMING children behind me. Fucking SCREAMING children in front me. Fucking SHRIEKING baby above me. Fucking MASSIVE headphones on my ears and tv ramped up to 9th I still can’t hear anything but FUCKING SCREAMING CHILDREN FOR FIVE STRAIGHT FUCKING HOURS :<



Next time I’m moving, if it’s an apartmen building/complex it’s one where lives only people over 50 because at least majority of them won’t have children under 12!

Posted on
Jul 15, 2012

Bad Sleep, Dreaming & Liza Marklund’s Panttivanki

I haven’t slept well the past two nights – hardly at all. I still dream every night, and when I sleep badly, seems like I remember the dreams a lot better than when I sleep well :/ Feeling tired and unenergetic, want to go and try to sleep but I know I won’t be able to and that it’s best wait for the night. Which is bloody 9 hours away :/

I’m trying to read Liza Marklund’s latest I got from the library, Panttivanki (Du gamla, du fria). I’ve liked all the other books by Marklund I’ve read, but I’m having a lot of problems with this one – I’ve been trying for at least three weeks, and I’m only at 81 pages 🙁 Normally, it’d take me maybe three or four days to read the entire damn book. A week at the most!

The main character is a Annika, an investigating journalist. She investigates and exposes human trafficing, corruption, crimes, abuse of power, injustice, evil, the truth, that sort of thing. She’s not a snob, interested in maintaining the correct image or putting out airs. She’s not political. Her husband, Thomas, is all of those, and more.

(The rest is behind the cut because of spoilers for Panttivanki (Du gamla, du fria)).

Continue reading Bad Sleep, Dreaming & Liza Marklund’s Panttivanki