Posted on
Jul 24, 2019

Back From ER – I’m On Hiatus

I just got back from the ER where I had to go early this morning because of the migraine. They managed to knock it down back a lot – not completely to get rid of it, that never happpens at anytime – and I’m currently feeling better. But it kinda feels like it might flare up again in hours/days because the sunny, hot weather will continue at least for the weekend and so there’s just too many triggers. So in an effort to avoid it going bad enough for another ER visit to become necessary, I’m going on hiatus.

I might do some Tubmlr edits or wallpaper stuff if I feel like it, but no fansites will get updates until I’m feeling I’m out of the immediate danger of it flaring badly.

Posted on
Jul 21, 2019

Maybe A Hiatus For My Fansites?

Looks like the next 10 days are going into kill me already and be done with it territory with temperatures between 26-31 Celcius. This past weekend already nearly did me in. I’ll propably be on hiatus as far as all my sites go, until this stupid heat is over, however long that takes – two weeks, two months… who knows! I hope my fan keeps working, it’s six years old now and I worry it’ll break down just when I need it the most!

In breaking news, Jeri Ryan has apparently signed on Star Trek: Picard šŸ˜€ Here’s hoping it’s a meaty role, not just a cameo!

Posted on
Sep 13, 2018

Health Update

I getting up on 300 days of sickeness allowance at the end of this month (300 days is the maximum; after that one has be fit for work for at least a year to re-qualify again for the same illness) because of my migraines.

So now I’m applying for disability pension/temporary disability pension now. I never thought until a couple of years ago I’d ever have to do that this young (I’m 43). Disability pension has become notoriously hard to be approved for the last decade or so, propably tens of thousands of people are kept on unemployment despite them, their doctors and the unemployment agency knowing full well that they are not able to work. But insurance doctors think otherwise, without ever seeing the patient. So I’m not at all sure I’ll be approved. If not, I’ll join the ranks of people on wrong damn benefit.

It’ll take them about 2-3 months to process my application, keeping fingers crossed!

I’m not even sure I truly want to be on disability pension but that’s really the right place for me untill and unless the migraine gets a lot better (and doesn’t get worse again when trying out working or whatever). And it would be mentally much better than being on unemployment and feel like I’m not hanging in a loose noose. As long as I’m on unemployment but not able to work in reality, it’ll be stressing because you never know what the TE-toimisto will think up like unpaid work. And things have been going really badly for the unemployed (and just generally the poor) the last several years while the right wing politicians are in power, and they have still more bad changes in the pipeline for the unemployed.

But yeah, I never thought I’d be here when I was younger!

Posted on
Jul 17, 2018

Hot Weather + Sites May Go On Hiatus

It’s been a miserable summer since May. It’s been hot nearly all the time – both “hot-for-me” and legitimately hot, and it just seems to be getting worse and worse. Yesterday was 32 (Celcius), today it’s promised to be 33 with no cloud. I just barely made it through yesterday, today stretches long and torturous in front of me. It’ll feel like dying.

I can’t even think of tomorrow yet.

It’s promised to stay well above 25 for the next 10 days, but hopefully that gets adjusted downwards to something more normal as the days go by.

My migraine is bad and getting worse, and also I’m feeling just bad overall due the bright sun and the constant heat. I’ve reached the limit of my ability to stand the heat for this year, and now it’s taking all I have to just exist. I don’t know that I’m able to work much on my sites or anything online until the heat is over. So this is your Hiatus warning. It things go well, I’ll be back to normal later this month but it may just as well be end of August or early September before I have energy for anything beyond surviving. Totally depends on the weather now.

I’m writing this at 5.30AM and it feels weird. I’m not a morning person (at all!) but these days mornings are the only time of day I can breathe and feel normal for a couple of hours. That’s when I have to do all the household work and grocery shopping and such right now.

Hey Finnish Summer, I’m ready for you to go back to normal! Cold and gray, rain and all!


Posted on
Oct 21, 2016

Back From The Hospital

Everything went smooth and easy, and I got back home about three hours ago. I’m sore but much less than I thought I’d be… though the pain killers they gave me might still be working at a base level so we’ll see what’s tomorrow like. I’m hugely tired but it’s a good tiredĀ  :cheer: