Posted on
May 13, 2022

The Friday Five for 13 May 2022

Answers to today’s questions at thefridayfive @ DW

1. Where are you right now?

At home on the couch. I just finished breakfast.

2. Where would you like to be right now?

Honestly? I’m good right here! In less than an hour I’ll leave to have my hair cut short and neat again by hair stylist school’s students, and I’ve been looking forward to it for two weeks! This is the first time I’m letting a student cut my hair short, and I’m a little nervous and a lot excited! I’ve had my hair dyed by them before and that went great both times. I’ve heard good things about all the services the students in the school offer, so I thought I’d try them even though I want to cut my hair really short again! If they mess it up – it’s only hair and it’ll grow back!

3. Where have you always wanted to visit (but have not yet)?

USA: The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone. Egypt: Cairo, the pyramids and a cruise on the Nile, France: Versailles and Paris. Angkor Wat in Cambodia…

4. What is the most peaceful place you’ve ever visited?

I can only think of my Mom and her partner’s summer place when they still had it… it was always nice to be there because it was away from the city. Honestly, my Mom’s garden is really good – they live in a small terraced house with only 15 apartments, and it’s really quiet there most of the time (no kids and all inhabitants are middle aged or older), because the house is situated so that one side is a tiny forest, one side is a field, and two sides are the backs of town houses with gardens. It’s like living in the country when you sit in the garden, even though there are two large shopping centers only 5 minutes drive away, and the town center is about 10 minutes drive away. But none of the sounds of traffic reach the terraced house, and my Mom and her partner’s apartment is the very last one, so they’re have it the most quiet of all. I love sitting in their garden in summer and just chatting; that’s the most peaceful surroundings I ever experience. I myself live in an apartment complex with 4 houses and about 70 apartments by a highly trafficed road; there’s always kids or other noise outside or just traffic so it’s nice to get away sometimes 😀 

5. Where do you want to visit in your dreams tonight?

Honestly, I don’t want to visit anywhere. Whenever I see dreams that means I slept badly, and sleep badly or not at all too much as it is. So I want a good, proper sleep.

Good Weekend!
Posted on
May 10, 2022

Good Weekend!

This past weekend was a really good one! I slept really well for two consecutive nights, accomplished a lot on Saturday and then Sunday was Mother’s Day. Even Mom had slept well (she has sleeping problems as well) and we had enough energy to make food, to make dessert (we don’t usually have dessert), then to make hot sandwiches for coffee and to even putz around their laptop, making sure everything is up-to-date. Both Saturday and Sunday my chronic migraine was good, almost gone, and I felt nearly healthy. I can’t remember the previous time I’ve felt genuinely this well health wise. It was so nice to have an almost pain-free two days and see my Mom! 🥰


Posted on
May 10, 2022

Jo’s Weekly Questions – January 2022

I’m bored so have answer’s to Jo’s January weekly questions over at Dreamwidth.


1. After roughly two years now of living with various changes and restrictions brought about by the Covid pandemic, which, if any, measures do you think you will continue to do all the time?

Washing hands when I get home! Also using hand sanitizer if it’s offered by the shops like it now. Not washing hands when I get home feels weird now.

2. When you are old(er), what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?

I don’t have children myself, nor do my friends and we’re all closer to 50 than 40 so it’s unlikely we’ll have any anymore. I don’t much like children and so have never been much around them, and I don’t see that changing in the future. So I doubt there’ll be children who’ll ask **me** to tell them anything.

3. January 3 is Fruitcake Toss Day. Do you like fruitcake? Why does it get such a bad rap?

I don’t think fruit cake is much of a thing here in Finland? There’s never any on offer on cafes or when I visit someone (even as a kid), I can’t remember ever seeing any recipes on Finnish baking blogs, and I myself have only baked it maybe a half a dozen times in my life time. It’s fine and I like it but I don’t think it has enough presence here to have any kind of reputation, honestly. Continue reading Jo’s Weekly Questions – January 2022

Posted on
May 10, 2022

Jo’s Weekly Questions – May 8-15, 2022

Answer’s to Jo’s weekly questions over at Dreamwidth.

8. Would you rather give up all drinks except water, or give up eating anything that was cooked in an oven?

I could never give up baked goods, so I guess drinks other than water have to go!

9. What would happen if a maximum income of $500,000 (or equivalent in your currency) was implemented?

I would like to think the excess was used to spread it around so that nobody would have to live below the poverty line, but what I really think would happen that the well-off/rich would just find a way around it just like they now find ways around paying their taxes.

10. If extra-terrestrials ever made first contact with us, would you prefer they be robotic or organic?

I think organic… because I think there’d be a huge change that robotic intelligence would see us (humanity) as a illogical scourge to be abolished whether it’s to save the planet and nature, or to mine the planet for metals etc. they need is just a toss of a coin.

11. When was the last time you worked incredibly hard?

Incredibly hard? I’m not sure I’ve worked **incredibly** hard since my school days so 30+ years ago. Hard? Yes, every year at some point when I get fed up with having so medications to take and having to keep track of my symptoms, but so far that hasn’t crossed into the realm **incredibly hard**.

12. Do you know someone who really reminds you of a character in a TV show, movie or book?

Not a character, but my cousin when she was young sometimes looked like then-young Jon Bon Jovi when she smiled/grinned in a certain way.

13. What is the most annoying thing about the social media platform you use most often?

It’s a toss up between shouting into void (my posts) and finding new posts relevant to interests because algorythim throws up old (popular) posts up.

14. Do you have nicknames for people in your life (not including nicknames or code names that you might use on social media for privacy reasons)?


15. What or who has taught you most of the information you use regularly?

I read every day and everything I use/do regularly is in one way or another based on being able to read well. My parents taught me the basics of reading, and school went on to to teach more. School also as schooled me in the the basics of society and what a citizen (in theory) can find and apply/achieve/reach for. And especially library studies taught me how to look for further information when I need it.

Posted on
May 6, 2022

Jo’s Weekly Questions – May 1-7, 2022

T’Pring from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Pertains to answer to #6

Answer’s to Jo’s weekly questions over at Dreamwidth.

1. Is it more or less difficult to be successful in the modern world than it was in the past (10, 50, 100, or 1,000 years ago)?

Successful in what sense? Sheer survival? Much easier now. Being happy? Probably about the same.

2. What do you like to do in the spring?

Go into hiding. The sun is too bright!

3. Is teaching a skill that can be taught?

Yes, I think for most people. Some people are too badly organized, or too bad at being logical to teach, but most people can learn, I believe. I also believe that some people are more naturally talented at it, but they too need practising to get really good.

4. May 4 is “Bike to School Day”. Is that something you did when you were in school?

Yeah, years 1-3 I didn’t in the fall and spring. Years 4-6 my school was practically next door, only had to go through a tiny bit of forest to get there on a foot path, biking would’ve taken longer than walking. Years 7-9 I could have biked in the fall and spring, but we had to apply for school bus ticket for the entire year anyway so there was no point in not taking the bus all through the year. And I didn’t/don’t bike unless I have to. Later schools (vocational) was too far to bike, I had to take a bus to the first one, and a train to the other.

5. Do you always have to have the latest phone?

Nope, smartphones I’ve gotten a new one every three years (when Android security updates stop coming, usually). Before smartphones I would have a mobile phone for about 5 years before getting a new one. Usually the battery died.

6. What is something you are obsessed with?

Very recently – as of yesterday, I’ve been obsessed with Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and especially T’Pring and Spock. I’ve always loved T’Pring and I liked the glimpse we got of her in the pilot. I hope as we explore Spock, we’ll get to know her better too. The seeds that lead to Amok Time were already there, and I hope we’ll learn more of the Vulcan people and society as that relationship progresses.

But the whole pilot episode, and all the characters, I LOVED them all so much and thought the episode was very good fun! It made me laugh outloud a few times which none of the other new shows have managed. I think it’s the best Star Trek pilot ever, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that’s the adventures are episodic but the relationships seem to have more continuity than TNG, more in the DS9 vein. Love that there’ so much colors on the ship (the uniforms!), and that it felt future is hopeful 😀 I’ve enjoyed Picard, and Discovery to lesser extent, but the first episode of Strange New Worlds felt very much more trek to me than anything since the end of Voyager. I think maybe they got the spirit right!

It helps that I consider each property it’s own thing: TOS is its own contained thing, and SNW is it’s own independent contained AU, completely separate from TOS, never mind what TPTB say. I think that’s the only way to look at the new shows Discovery, Picard, Strange New Worlds and remain sane and feel good about them. But I do think SNW, based on the pilot, has kept the spirit and love of Trek alive right from the start, it feels right in a way that the others don’t to me. I’m very excited for the season 😆 

7. Is there something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t the point of?

Sports. Any and all! Just incomprehensible.