Jo’s Daily Questions – January 1-16, 2023
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Jan 1, 2023

Jo’s Daily Questions – January 1-16, 2023

Jo over at Dreamwidth put together a list of daily questions for 2023 again :mrgreen: Here’s my answers to January 1 – 16 guestions.


1 – Global Family Day: How do you define family?

By how close we are. Only my Mom is my family. My Mom’s SO who she lives with, is a relative of mine in my mind.

2 – World Introvert Day: Do you consider yourself an introvert, an extrovert, or something in between?

I’m in between, but lean very much towards introvert. I need my alone time, and always have.

3 – Women Rock! Day: From the Supremes to Janis Joplin to Tori Amos to Billie Eilish, women have made their mark in the world of music. If you were putting together an all-female play list, list five performers who would absolutely have to be on it.

Sade, Ofra Haza, Sarah Brightman, Caro Emerald and Sarah McLachlan.

4 – World Hypnotism Day: Have you ever been hypnotised? If so, how was the experience?


5 – Whipped Cream Day: Do you like whipped cream? Have you ever made whipped cream from scratch?

Oh yes! I love whipped cream! I always make it from scratch – ready whipped cream isn’t much of a thing here. There’s only 1 or two Brand’s ready whipped cream sold here, and not in all groceries. You can’t use it for decorating cakes or anything because it melts in about 5 minutes. Occasionally I buy one bottle to use with “köyhät ritarit” (poor knights/French toast, I think?) along with strawberry or apple jam. But whipped cream layer cake is my favorite. Continue reading Jo’s Daily Questions – January 1-16, 2023

The Friday Five for Dec 30, 2022
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Dec 31, 2022

The Friday Five for Dec 30, 2022

The last thefridayfive questions of 2022!

1. What was the best thing that happened to you this year

I survived it?

2. What are you looking forward to next year?

To get the bloody biological father inheritance thing solved, over and done with!

3. Will you be doing anything special to ring in the New Year?

Nope. I haven’t slept well the past week, and last night only got three hours of sort-of sleep, so I’ll be just waiting that the fireworks are over hopefully no later than 1-2am so I can go to bed. I’ll be watching some old tv shows: The Golden Girls and Wire on the Blood to pass the time, and re-uploading my 4K Game of Thrones screencaps.

4. What would you like to see more of next year?

I don’t know… I wish I’ll have more energy to do ordinary things like take walks and make home cooked meals. And that I’ll sleep well. I always wish for these things because they’re not happenign much.

5. What was your best New Year’s Eve ever?

I’m not one for New Year’s Eve festivities because of the loud fireworks and the crowds easily lead to migraine for me. So there’s no “best ever”. But there are two fond memories:

When I was a little kid, we’d light spark sticks and seek omens by melting down tin and dropping it in cold water and that was fun! Because that was something we did as a family at midnight when the year changed – I don’t remember us having parties with guests or anything like that at New Year, just Mom and Dad and me doing those two things and eating Christmas candies and chocolate and I’m pretty sure also some nice baked goods with the evening coffee (around 8pm) even though I don’t remember that clearly.

Then as an adult in my 20s, when my Mom had a dog, a Beagle, I did have Caro the Beagle over at my place a couple of times for the New Year evening and night so my Mom and her SO could go (ballroom) dancing if a dance was arranged. Caro the Beagle was scared of the fireworks, so she couldn’t be left alone this particular night even though usually it was no problem. I always loved having Caro over, but New Year was always not great for her so I was glad to be there for her and my Mom and her SO. Caro always sought out one of my closets during the fireworks night so I’d make her a nice, safe nest there and make sure my TV was on quite loudly, or play music on my stereo, and have all the curtains closed to help to drown out the worst of the fireworks. Caro was okay in the closet (but not her happy self) when the door was closed so the nights always went okay like that.

Jo’s Daily Questions – December 17-31, 2022
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Dec 23, 2022

Jo’s Daily Questions – December 17-31, 2022

The second half of half of Jo’s daily December questions!


17. What do you like most about your family?

That my Mom gets me the way no one else does. When I forget words she always knows what I mean, and vice versa. She knows me like no one else.

18. December 18 is “Bake Cookies Day”. Do you have a favourite cookie recipe? Care to share?

I rarely bake cookies. The only cookies I make with some sort of regularity, as in a couple of times in a couple of years (LOL) are kaurapitsit. This is one recipe that I’ve used but I really have no favorite. The fewer the ingredients the better the kaurapitsit. We had a recipe I loved when I was a kid, but it doesn’t make them anymore like it used to – either the products have changed, or I’ve forgotten how. Either is possible! But really, I think the kaurahiutale (oat something) has change since the 1980s and as the result kaurapitsit don’t come out anymore like when I was a kid. They need to come out very thin, much thinner and more like lace than in the picture above to be how I like them. Continue reading Jo’s Daily Questions – December 17-31, 2022

Friday 5 for December 23: On the dotted line
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Dec 23, 2022

Friday 5 for December 23: On the dotted line

Answers to today’s questions over at

1. What did you last put your signature on?

My hand-written, manual signature? Uh, probably my new KELA card 4 or 5 months ago? Very few things need to be manually signed anymore. Technically I sign packages a lot (every month) but that’s done by the clerk scanning the bar code of my government issue ID card ever since start of COVID-19. Probably would happen even without COVID-19 now because Finland & technology, but I noticed that clear change in process from hand-written signatures to scanning the ID in the post office soon after start of COVID-19 pandemic.

2. How legible is your signature?


3. How has your signature changed over time?

It hasn’t! It’s still exactly the same as when I was a kid. It looks like a kid’s too IMHO and I’m SO embarrassed about it! You’d think it’d have become more adult-like in 40 years!

4. When did you last initial something?

Probably never? A really long time ago, if ever. If something requires it, it requires a full signature.

5. Is there a story behind your given name, or is it just a name?

There’s no story behind my given name, but there’s a story of what kept happening because of it during my school years and even now sometimes. I’ve told it here: #1 at that link.

The Friday Five for 23 December 2022
Posted on
Dec 23, 2022

The Friday Five for 23 December 2022

Today’s questions over at thefridayfive@DW

1. Which television series do you wish they had canceled?

None. If I never cared about a tv series in the first place, then I don’t care whether it’s on or not. And if it’s a tv series that I used to care about, but lost interest before it ended, then also I don’t care whether it’s still on or not.

2. If you could go back in time and change one thing in history, what would it be and why?

I think, Covid-19 pandemic being still ongoing, I’d probably change that! So people wouldn’t die, and the loss of health for many of those who didn’t die of it.

3. Name a song/artist/album that changed your life and why.

No of those has ever changed my life.

4. Name one movie you were looking forward to seeing only to be bitterly disappointed by it, then explain why.

I can’t think of one! There’s been movies I’ve looked forward to and been disappointed, but I guess I just forget about them because I can’t bring one to mind.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was kind of one – but it was because I was in a horribly bad mood when it was released on home media. I hadn’t seen that one yet, had been low key looking forward to it after liking the first two movies, and thought it’d be a great distraction and make me feel better and forget about being in a bad mood. Instead, I just saw all the flaws and everything, even tiniest of tiny things, annoyed me! It wasn’t the movie itself; I just shouldn’t have watched it at that time! I wasn’t in the headspace for it. I don’t usually misjudge my mood and what helps so badly, but that time I did.

5. Should people really idolize celebrities? (Not just people like Paris Hilton, but others such as Jimi Hendrix, Katharine Hepburn, Jim Morrison, Gene Kelly etc.)

No. They’re just people, let them be just people! You can admire a person’s skills and talent without idolizing them.