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Jul 2, 2022

The Friday Five for 1 July 2022

Image from Pixabay because pretty.

Answers to this week’s questions at The Friday Five @ DW.

1. What’s your favorite crafty activity?

I don’t really have a favorite – never been a crafty person and only in the last few years have started to do some. I love making little notebooks though, using pamphlet stitch, cottong rag paper and Tomoe River paper. Some day I’d like to like to make a thicker notebook with either Tomoe River or Cosmo Air Light/Snow paper. I did do some training and book repairing in a few libraries when I was working, and I always enjoyed it.

I also like acrylic pouring and playing with alcohol inks. And watercoloring. And coloring pictures. On the computer, making digital papers is fun.

2. What got you into it?

A few years ago, I needed something non-computery to do that was quiet, low-pressure and required no thinking when one of my migraine attacks prolonged because I couldn’t read, watch tv or listen to music to pass the time. I started to do some adult coloring, then added in watercolor and then I bought some watercolor notebooks from LotusBluBookArt that were made from cotton rag paper and I though I can make these myself, it’s easy, especially after seeing a video of Moneeza’s about the pamphlet stitch notebooks. And then it just sort of snowballed from that.

3. What was your favorite arts & crafts project as a kid?

Like I said above, I’ve never been a crafty person. I remember we had things like drawing in school, and making clothes but I had only bad experiences with those classes so it wasn’t something I ever enjoyed. And before that, I suppose Mom, Dad and me did kiddy crafty things when I was tiny but I have no memory of them; I’ve also no idea if we did them in kindergarten/day care. So I didn’t have favorite arts / crafts project until I was in my mid-40s. In fact, I don’t remember having any art & crafts projects as a kid that I did voluntarily, only of the one in school which either were deadly boring (knitting) or I had bad experience (making clothes).

I am/was more into reading, listening to music and baking than arts & crafts.

Oh! I did do sort of drawing – I traced X-Men and other comics, coloring them and telling my stories that way but that was a hobby that lasted over 15 years and I’ve never thought of it as arty or crafty. Just a hobby, and more to do with writing. I’d also trace historical costumes from historical costuming books (on projector film sheets so that I wouldn’t damage the books), and then draw and color those on the comic books characters after studying the clothes.

4. What has someone made for you?

My Mom made me a long, narrow, “hairy” dark red scarf when I fell in love with the one she had made herself. It’s for winter, when it’s so cold outside that I need a scarf both inside and outside my coat. This one is the outside scarf and helps to keep the coat closed around my throat because it’s otherwise too open and wind gets in. So the scarf is not only pretty but practical! My only complaint is that the winters are too mellow to need to use it for more than literally 2-3 days a year now.

My Mom’s SO made a wooden step for between my backyard dor and the yard which is great quality – even after 23 years it’s still sturdy and in good condition.

5. Are there any unfinished projects in your life you need to pick back up?

Not unfinished, but I just received some Chiyogami paper that I want to make notebooks with; but I have to figure out what to glue it on to because it’s too thin to use as cover as-is. And I also should go back to alcohol inks and acrylic pouring too! I’ve just been too tired the last couple of years because I have to use my kitchen table for that, and it’s too much work to have to clear and prepare the table every day for craft stuff. I don’t have other space to do it on.

Posted on
Jul 1, 2022

Jo’s Weekly Questions – July 1-16, 2022

1. We’re halfway through the year (give or take a few days). What are you looking forward to in the coming months?

Autumn! I already so done with summer.

2. What do you want to remember about today? What would you like to forget?

The day I write this, which is not the day I’ll post this… Nothing. Today has been an exceedingly ordinary day. Nothing much has happened, and certainly nothing out of the very ordinary; this is one of those days that I won’t be able tell apart from other days just like it afterwards. Which is actually how I prefer it because that means my pain levels and Crohn’s symptoms have been pretty good and stable. Most often, “out of the ordinary” for me, means pain these days.

3. If you could wish for one thing to happen tomorrow, what would that be?

That I will have a good head day! Because that will determine so much of how my day goes.

4. What colours are you wearing?

I’m wearing a beach dress in white, blue and turquoise. But mostly blue. Continue reading Jo’s Weekly Questions – July 1-16, 2022

Posted on
Jun 24, 2022

Friday 5 for June 24: Consumer reports

Answers to today’s questions @

1. When did you last eat or drink something purchased from a truck or other wheeled vehicle?

I don’t actually know if it’s wheeled, I’ve never looked but I don’t think it is… But strawberries from the fruit/vegetable movable kiosk in front of my grocery last summer. Before that, ice cream kiosk some earlier summer might have been a wheeled kiosk or not. So to be clear, I’m not too sure!

2. When did you last purchase something previously owned?

It’s been more than a decade – I don’t usually buy used because I can’t afford to risk being cheated/product being bad condition/broken and not have a quarantee and/or return right. I used to buy DVDs used in late 90s and early 00s a lot though because I watched a lot of movies, but haven’t needed to do that either. These days the DVDs/Blurays I want to buy are usually rare enough to I’m lucky to be able to find at all, never mind used ones.

3. When did a purchase most recently exceed your expectations?

I don’t buy stuff that often so “recent” in this case means the last year. I’ve been exceedingly happy with the two Jinhao X750 fountain pens I bought in March 2021. They work so well!

4. When did you last overpay for something because you needed it right away?

I think I overpaid for The Colbys DVD set I bought a while back. I didn’t “need” it, but Amazon was the only place that had it and the price hadn’t changed for over a year, and I did need to buy something else from Amazon that would’ve been a ridiculous buy alone so I bought the DVD set too.

5. Among recent purchases, what was the best bargain?

A month ago Paperimuru had their entire catalog off by 20% so I bought a bunch of MU print-on-stickers. I’m now set with stickers for the rest of the year!

Posted on
Jun 17, 2022

Jo’s Weekly Questions – June 16-30, 2022

Image from Pixabay because pretty.

Answer’s to Jo’s weekly questions over at Dreamwidth.

16. Is there some event that changed how you view the world?

Two, actually: long term unemployment/temp jobs and becoming chronically ill.

17. Was today typical? Why or why not?

The day I wrote this, which is not the day I’ll post this… Yes, it’s been a pretty typical day so far. I did one of my bi-weekly grocery shopping and drugstore runs which is a very typical thing I do. Atypical thing that I did today was buy MU print-on stickers – they are on 20% discount at and I bought some for myself and as a gift for my Mom’s name day which is coming up in a couple of weeks.

18. Do you have a favourite accessory (excluding anything you wear regularly e.g. wedding band, watch, etc.)?

I like to wear any of the 4 necklaces I found at a recycling stop at the local unemployment office a couple of years ago. I usually always put one of them on when I run errands. Continue reading Jo’s Weekly Questions – June 16-30, 2022

Posted on
Jun 10, 2022

The Friday Five for 10 June 2022

Picture from Pixabay because pretty.

Answers to today’s questions at The Friday Five @ DW

1. What is the last book you read and what book(s), if any, are you currently reading?

The first book in Åsa Larsson’s Rebecka Martinsson crime series “Aurinkomyrsky” was the last one I read. I’m currently reading the second in the series “Sudentaival”. These are re-reads actually. I read them 10+ years ago for the first time, then this year saw that there’s been a fourth book published in the series so read that one, discovered I didn’t remember the first three nearly at all but remembered liking them a lot, so wanted I’d re-read them now. The original language is Swedish but I read the Finnish language versions, and I think they’ve been translated into English too.

2. How about moving pictures? Are you a fan of any TV show or movie right now?

I’m a fan of many movies and tv shows, all the old ones (I never really drop anything, just add new loves) like Xena, Dark Skies, Game Of Thrones, Stargate, The Last Of The Mohicans. But right now I’m really excited to be watching Star Trek: Strange New Worlds! Six episodes is out currently and I’ve LOVED all six. I love all the characters, and I love that it’s episodic with a few character arcs that are followed in multiple episodes. I also love that it’s a clear ensemble show – it’s much more like TNG or DS9 rather than TOS or DSC in that way and I love that.

3. What’s your favorite genre, and why?

Movies and tv shows: scifi/fantasy. Books: romance with supernatural/suspense/scifi/fantasy elements, and I also enjoy the same without much romance included as well as detective books.

4. If we were all evacuating the planet, and you could only bring 3 unique works of entertainment for posterity, which would you pick? Let’s just assume that we’ve coordinated it so there are no repeats.

I’d want certain Star Trek series, so I guess Star Trek everything as a whole and that includes all the movies/tv shows/comics/soundtracks etc., The Leftovers sountrack and The Last Of The Mohicans soundtrack.

5. Do you make new works as well (fannish or original both count)? Or is that not your skillset/interest?

I do! Most often I make desktop wallpapers – have been making them for 20+ years now, and there is no end in sight! I used to make icons too during the Livejournal years, and I’ve been thinking I should try to get back into that. I also make fansites, which I count as a fan activity although it’s never listed in questionnaires as such. Outside fandom, I paint, making simple little notebooks and do acrylic pouring. My only problem is that I love making notebooks but can’t use them up fast enough to suit me so I don’t get to make them often enough.