Posted on
Oct 28, 2022

The Friday Five for 28 October 2022

Answers to this week’s question at thefridayfive @ Dreamwidth. Image from Pixabay because pretty and I do enjoy some tea!


1. Do you like spicy food?

Not really, I’m a rather picky eater in all aspects. I do like a little spicy meal every now and then, but nothing overwhelming or that covers the other flavors.

2. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?

I don’t usually have cereal, but when I do, I prefer it crunchy.

3. Do you like ice in your drinks?

Not usually. Maybe on a very hot heat wave day sometimes.

I don’t drink alcoholic drinks, but if I did, I think I’d like ice in them.

4. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?

Like I said I’m a rather picky eater and although I’m better about it now, I still don’t eat strange things because they always also look weird/suspicious/strange and that’s a nope. When I was a kid, I loved to dip very thin slices of meetvursti (mettwurst, salami, pepperoni? I think in English) in either strawberry or banana yoghurt (and still do sometimes!) and I’ve been told that’s strange and weird!

5. What food would you like to eat right this minute?

A glass of very, very cold milk and a fresh banana that isn’t at all green anymore but also is not at all over-ripe yet either but is just perfect instead.


Jo’s Weekly Questions – September, 2022
Posted on
Sep 30, 2022

Jo’s Weekly Questions – September, 2022

Image from Pixabay. Because pretty.

I totally forgot to answer to Jo’s weekly September questions So here’s the whole month in one go!

1. How important is it to you that people remember, spell, and pronounce your name correctly? Why?

Very important! Because one is my name, the other is not to quote Data from TNG.

My real first name (Piia) is spelled with two “i” letters, and all through my school years I had to specify that, because it can also be spelled with one “i” and all the teachers tended to assume that the one “i” was the correct form for me too, not the two “i”s one. To confuse the matter further, another girl in my class had very nearly the same name and that name (Mia) could also be spelled with either one or two “i”s… but her name was spelled with one “i”. So we both had that problem, just in reverse! Teachers were always confused about our names! My parents apologized so many times for giving me such a troublesome name – it hadn’t even occurred to them that the one “i” spelling would be also an option and often assumed. Probably because the one “i” version is a foreign/Swedish version, and the two “i”s version is the Finnish one. But both spellings are probably both used as much so one isn’t more common than the other.

Even now, when I have to give out my name for a new doctor or a nurse, if they don’t have my information on their systems yet, I have to make sure they catch it’s with two “i”s, not one!

Pronouncing is always correct because no matter if it was one or two “i”s, it is the same.

2. Are you a hugger or a non-hugger? Why?

When I was growing up hugging wasn’t really a thing in except in the immediate family (so children and parents, sometimes grandma), at least in my family, and I’ve lived alone since I was 17 so I’ve never got used to hugging most people. My friends, cousins and I don’t ever hug, it’s just not something we do except in exceptional circumstances like when somebody died or something like that. I don’t see them hugging their friends when we meet as a group, only their kids and SOs and parents. I do sometimes miss hugging/physical closeness with someone while living alone like I do.

That said, I have liked the “stranger” hugs I’ve received when my Dad died so I’m not categorically opposed to it or anything. It’s just not something my circles normally do. I normally only hug my Mom. And my Mom’s best friend and I sort of half-hug each other these days. It’s nice. Continue reading Jo’s Weekly Questions – September, 2022

The Friday Five for 23 September 2022: We are made of star stuff
Posted on
Sep 23, 2022

The Friday Five for 23 September 2022: We are made of star stuff

Answers to today’s questions at The Friday Five @ Dreamwidth.

1. How many stars can you see in the sky at night where you live? (Not looking for an exact number here, just a general description.)

Too many to count! On a typical clear winter night, the sky is full of stars!

In the fall when it starts to get dark earlier and then in the winter when the nights are long, you can see lots and lots of stars as long if it’s cloudless. The skies are often cloudy though.

Even in the biggest cities the light pollution isn’t so bad that you can’t see the stars if it’s dark out and clear weather. I love that! Most of the summer, the midnight sun night makes the night skies too bright so if you’re looking to stargaze in Finland make sure to come here between September and April or thereabouts. Northern Finland/Lapland is probably the best place for stargazing because all the bigger cities are in the south of Finland but even in our biggest city starry skies are normal due to less light pollution than in say New York or Paris and unpolluted air! Because our biggest combined cities, the Helsinki Metropolitan Area only has about 1 million inhabitants so even our big cities are tiny compared to metropolies of the world (and our entire country has only about 5,5 million people) so our skies are much clearer pollution and light pollution wise. As an example, I live about 20 minute bus ride from Turku city center (about 5 minutes by car), one of t ihe biggest cities in the country, and only have to step out my front door and see all the stars just by looking up if the sky is clear! In the mid-winter a day’s dark time is about 20 hours so plenty of time to observe the sky.

My favorite time of day is in the late fall and winter, when it’s at least almost freezing and the air is crisp and clear and it’s dark and quiet because it’s late, or early, and people are in their homes so the traffic is less than during the day, and you can see all the stars. That’s my favorite time to go for a walk, it’s so peaceful!

2. What is your favorite constellation?

I don’t care about the constellations. But my favorite nebular is Carina Nebula and this is one of my favorite photos of it that I’ve found:

I have so may images of Carina Nebula that I use as my laptop wallpaper!

3. Are you able to see and identify any planets in the sky? Which ones?

I think they can be seen here, but I can’t identify them.

4. Have you ever seen a satellite orbiting above the earth?

As far as I know, only on TV!

5. Have you ever seen a rocket blasted off into space?

Nope, only on TV! It’s my understanding rockets in general including the Finnish rockets, satellites etc. and ones Finland is involved in the creation and use of are blasted off into space by NASA in USA and/or ESA in French Guiana? In locations that are always in the Southern Hemisphere while we are almost at the top of Northern Hemisphere. I’ve never visited those places.

The Friday Five for September 16 2022
Posted on
Sep 20, 2022

The Friday Five for September 16 2022

Better late than never! Answers to last Friday’s questions @ Livejournal.

1. Do you tend to remember book titles or authors the most?

Authors! When I read a book from a new-to-me author and like it a lot, I make a point to check out their other books. Just this summer I’ve had a lot of trouble with as an example, Anna Jansson’s Marian Wern books because I can’t remember which ones I’d already read from the titles alone, or even the synopsis. I haven’t been reading her books for about 6 years, and can’t remember whether I was all caught up when I stopped reading her. Also, when I read many books by the same author in a short amount of time the stories blur together and I can’t remember which title was which story. But I never really forget an author, they just get dropped or put on back burner if I get disappointed with their new stuff, or they don’t publish new stuff. But I never really forget an author.

2. Do you play any memory games to try and improve your memory?


3. What is the very first movie you remember seeing in a movie theatre?

<em>Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes</em> (1984) with Andie MacDowell and Christopher Lambert. It’s also the first movie I remember wanting to go see a second time but my Mom and Dad said no. I was 10 when it came on in the theatres and my weekly allowance wasn’t enough to pay for the ticket myself.

4. What sense do you tend to rely upon the most?

Sight, no doubt!

5. When was the last time you felt lonely and what made you feel better?

I’m not sure I ever have. I live alone (I just realized I’ve lived alone exactly 30 years this fall! Since I moved out to study library sciences at 17.) but I can’t remember ever truly feeling lonely. It’s true that sometimes I wish I had someone to share a bad thing or a happy thing with, or take care of half the financial burden on me, or to share a remark about some minor thing happy or otherwise but that’s too little/minor/transitory to make a phonecall/e-mail about it… but that’s it. I’ve often read up about how feeling lonely is for other people and it never matches with my feelings.

The closest I remember ever getting to feeling lonely was during those recesses in school when my best friend’s class (we were in different classes, but had about half our classes together due to how the two classes were divided and joined for certain subjects) had already gone home, or did the last two hours back-to-back in order to be released home a little earlier. But that was partly because we were teased (read: bullied) usually by the high schoolers sometimes (probably not even weekly but still, it wasn’t a nice experience), and it felt safer and nicer when there were two of us on the recess. So some of it was a low level fear instead of loneliness.

Posted on
Sep 9, 2022

The Friday Five for 9 September 2022

Answers to today’s question at thefridayfive @ Dreamwidth

1. What is the last song/bit of music you heard?

I haven’t listened to “music” music this week and can’t remember. I have been watching various tv episodes though, so score from them, I guess, if that counts. But nothing that stands out. Although Shetland’s theme music is great.

2. What is the song you can’t get enough of right now?

There’s none such song right now! My head is hurting bad enough that I need silence.

3. What song/band did you just discover and think are great?

Haven’t discovered new obsession music in a few months.

4. Do you listen to the same song over and over on repeat? Why?

Oh yes, it’s like one of my two main modes of listening to music – the other being listening to a selection to music on repeat. Because the pieces get stuck in my head, and/or I love them so much that I can’t get enough.

5. Do you make music, or do you want to?

Nope, for the first.

I’d like to be able to maybe play something, on a violin or a piano, but it’s one of those fleeting thoughts of “wouldn’t it be nice” and then promptly forget all about it things.

I’ve never gotten to play an actual instrument so I don’t know if I’d actually like it. In school when we were supposed to get to learn play some basics – we weren’t allowed to because the instruments were too precious for us mundanes to play music with – only the pupils in the choir/orchestra were allowed to touch them. Yeah, I didn’t like my music teacher. She was also supposed to be the teacher for ET (ethics, for those of us who didn’t belong to Church) but more often than not she forgot the ET lessons and then we’d go looking for her and find her conducting extra rehearsals with the choir and the orchestra. Looking back, our parents should have escalated this to the principal but for some reason that never happened, probably because only 2-4 pupils attended the ET lessons depending on the year. We were an afterthough most of the time even to the school bureaucracy. At the time I didn’t really care (I hated school – fewer lessons were great in my book!) and because I had zero liking or respect for this particular teacher, seeing her face less was a huge plus as far as I was concerned. But looking back, it’s clear that she didn’t put any value on anyone who wasn’t into singing, music and prefereably was musically gifted… and that just pisses me off. As an adult, I’m not enough into making music that I’d try and take lessons because money’s always been too tight and I’d rather use what extra money I have for something else. I’ve never felt not being able to play an instrument is a huge loss or anything like that.