So Obsessed
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Sep 20, 2024

Bio Father Inheritance Problem Finally Solved!

The I’m-one-of-my-biological-father’s-heirs-but-shouldn’t-be-because-my-adoption-as-a-baby-in-1975-was-supposed-cut-all-legal-and-otherwise-ties-to-my-biological-family-completely-but-law-was-changed-5-years-later-and-we-didn’t-know-until-he-died thing is finally solved!

I ended up making an appointment with Tax Administration, because my bio sister WhatsApped me in the spring that there’s no inheritance, only debt so all the required-by-law documents such as the Estate Inventory Deed have been created and that everybody (me included as I had told her) had given up the inheritance and the papers were done without help from legal aid or heirs present and had been delivered to the Tax Administration.

Except I hadn’t seen any of it, nor had I been asked to give her the I-give-up-the-inheritance paper signed as it should be done so it’s everything’s properly documented. When I asked for a copy of the Estate Inventory Deed, she gave me excuses for a few weeks that she would as soon as this and that and those were done, and then went complete silence after a month or so. I had been getting more and more suspicious for a while, whether it was malice or just carelessness, so at that point I wrote the bio family off in my mind and decided to advance the thing re: my part in it via other avenues.

I found out the official lawyer association offers free legal advice once  a month for quick things (15 minute appointments so can’t go in depth or ask about very complicated things) and pointers, so a couple of months ago I went in, explained my situation and that I didn’t know what had been done or not been done or what my legal status was re: the inheritance and asked what should be my next step. I was advised as next step to request a copy of the Deed documents from Tax Administration, which is free for those involved. I did, and Tax Administration sent me a letter that they can’t deliver me such documents because Tax Administration does not have them. For some reason, I wasn’t surprised.

So I made an appointment with Tax Administration which was this morning because I wasn’t entirely certain I had worded my request correctly. The cleric checked all my and my bio father’s information and they really don’t have Estate Inventory Deed or any documents about my bio father’s estate which the estate is mandatory to create and submit to Tax Administration within 3 months of the death. It’s been 2,5 years since the bio father’s death, and while extensions are easily granted when asked, not years. So much time has now passed, that she was a little surprised the matter hasn’t been flagged for review. So it looks like the bio siblings haven’t handled the inheritance things as required by law, which will lead to tax ramifications if it goes on too long.

But! The good news: I was able to make my official I-give-up-the-inheritance document right then and there, signed and delivered to Tax Administration itself right there! 😁 It is usually submitted as part of the Estate Inventory Deed documents, but doing it separately is also possible. So I did! Any legal responsibility I had about the matter ended today!!! And any ramifications from not delivering the documents required by law in time should not affect me, because I’ve been trying to advance the matter all this time as shown by WhatsApp messages and steps I’ve taken in the matter but couldn’t really because I don’t know anything about the deceased or anyone involved in the whole thing while the other 5-6 heirs who do, either haven’t done their duty or have done it wrong somehow. In any case, the matter is now resolved on my part and I don’t have to think about the thing at all anymore! ✨😁

2 Comments on “Bio Father Inheritance Problem Finally Solved!”

  1. It’s great that this matter has been solved! It’s a pity that your biological siblings weren’t more supportive though. Being an only child of my parents I’ve often wondered how I would react if I found out that I have some siblings that I haven’t known about, whether I would consider them as my own family or as complete strangers. Anyway, I’m sure it’s a relief for you that this adoption thing is over and you no longer have to worry about it!

    1. It’s an interesting question! I’ve sometimes thought about it over the years. I’m also the only child of my adoptive parents and I consider myself an only child despite knowing I have biological siblings somewhere out there. I’ve always known I’m adopted (Mom and Dad never wanted to hide it from me, because of things like neighbors and Mom & Dad’s families knowing Mom hadn’t been pregnant with me anyway, so they didn’t want me to find out accidentally from something someone might have said) but I’ve never met them or had any contact with them (except now about this inheritance thing a little). I’ve never wanted to meet them either – we share some genes, but they are not my family to me. My family are my Mom & Dad and their families. I think I’d have to get to know a sibling really well and for me to really like them a lot and get really close with them for me to feel like we are family. Blood isn’t enough as it would be if we’d grown together.

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