So Obsessed
So Obsessed
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Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!
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Aug 29, 2024

Question of the Day – August 2024

By spiffikins  at … All caught up, here’s August questions!


1. What Do You Gain From Pursuing Something You Do Really, Really Badly?

I sing very, very badly (I sound like a cat being tortured!) but I it’s pure fun! I never sing where anyone can here me, though.

2. What Would You Be Willing to Wait in a Really Long Line For?

I can’t think of anything…

3. Do You Wish You Could Return to Moments From Your Past?

Not moments, no. But I’d love to be as carefree as I was when I was in school. Didn’t have to worry about anything but doing my home work.

4. What Pranks, Jokes, Hoaxes or Tricks Have You Ever Fallen For or Perpetrated?

Never done any of those, and can’t remember falling for one either. They’ve never been something my family or friends have been into.

5. What Are Your Personal Superstitions?

That if I stop using Period Tracker or it is discontinued, my periods will immediately go completely and totally haywire.

6. Do You Spend Enough Time With Other People?


7. How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors?

Only to say “hi” and I only know in which apartments about 3 of them live.

8. How Much Time Do You Spend in Nature?

None, if nature means going into forest or something. If it means my Mom’s garden or similar, little.

9. What Are Your Favorite TV Shows?

I’m fannish about: Star Trek TOS, TNG, DS9. Space: Above And Beyond, Dark Skies, Xena: Warrior Princess, Game of Thrones and others.

Are favorites, rewatched many times but I’m not fannish about: Keeping Up Appearances, Allo Allo, The Fall, Prime Suspect, Agatha Christie’s Poirot (the David Suchet one), The X Files, Vera Stanhope, Midsummer Murders, a lot of other British detective shows

10. When Have You Ever Succeeded When You Thought You Might Fail?

I guess maybe the driving test? I was successful in my second try, but somehow I never really thought I would be. I’m not sure why.

11. How Productive and Organized Are You?

I’m pretty organized because I have to be! My memory has gotten worse due to daily pain, medical and financial stress so I have lists and reminders and alarms to do the necessary things that have repercussions if I don’t do them as planned. From taking my meds to making it to appointments in time to vacuuming regularly.

Most days I’m not very productive. But in the last 1,5 years or so I’ve noticed that these days I often have a burst of energy after a migraine attack ends. So I love that (it’s the only time I feel energetic) and have learned to use it for productive thing tha are hard and exhausting to do otherwise such as vacuuming and other cleaning. The trick is to balance it just right that I don’t accidently trigger a new migraine attack by doing too much!

12. How Do You Deal With Boredom?

I’m almost never bored. I think maybe by putting music on, or playing with watercolors or even cleaning windows.

13. Should Couples Live Together Before Marriage?

I don’t care. I have no opinions on this. They should do what they want about it.

14. What Assumptions Do People Make About You?

That because I look healthy, I am healthy. That I’m extrovert.

15. Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Yes. Only people have never had to worry about paying the rent, paying bills and buying food, can say it doesn’t.

16. What’s Your Favorite Candy?

I’m not sure. Feels like none of the candy taste quite the same as it used to. I’m not sure if it’s entirely me (it could be – even water started to taste different after my 2014 stint in the hospital) but there’s also been a lot of talk that product recipes have been changed in the last decade or two to use cheaper ingredients, or “healthier” ingredients. Whatever, the end result is that I don’t have an absolute favorite candy anymore. Just a bunch I more than others.

17. How Do You React When Provoked?

It really, really depends on what and how and by whom I’m being provoked about! My reactions ranges from complete indifference to what an idiot to how embarrasing to (rarely) anger. It’s usually a total stranger who is trying to provoke my and I’m usually completely indifferent about what a total stranger thinks I should do/be.

18. What is Your Favorite Place in Your House?

My couch, I guess.

19. What’s the Best Way to Heal a Broken Heart?


20. Are You a Hoarder or a Minimalist?

I’m somewhere in the middle, pretty normal. I do have hoarder tendencies in some respects – as an example, I’d love to own physical books of all the books I’ve loved. But this would be thousands and thousands of books and I have no space for them. I’m so grateful for libraries. And I tend to accumulate pretty notebooks too much!

21. What Would You Outsource if You Could?

Cleaning and meal making! I’ve always dreamed of being able to hire a cleaner to come in 1-2 a week, and a cook to make me home made meals 2-4 times a week.

Also, job hunting.

22. What Fantasy Invention Would You Want to Exist in Reality?

The replicators from Star Trek! So I wouldn’t have to cook myself unless I actually wanted to and still have good food to eat!

Also transporters! But mostly replicators!

23. What Old, Worn Out Thing Can You Just Not Part With?

I don’t think have such a thing now anymore! Not a worn out one. A few months ago, I finally had to recycle the ancient favorite long nightgown of mine when it gained big holes under both arms and the fabric was too thin there to repair the holes or even to cut the arms off completely.

24. Do You Want to Live to 100?

Part of me does, but then more realistic part pipes that with my luck, I’ll probably get dementia, and having Crohn’s Disease and chronic diarrhea, and the country’s crashing health care, I’d only suffer in shitty diapers because I wouldn’t remember/know to take the the meds that keep the diarrhea at bay (it’s taken only as needed which means some days not at all, some days once and some days many times) and the nurse(s) would be around only for a few minutes a few times a day to change the diaper, give regular meds and feed me. It’s a dismal vision so I hope to go before I get to that point.

25. How Good Is Your Sense of Direction?

I had to google this! Turns out I have a pretty good sense of direction. I can read maps without problems, indentify where I am on the map and figure which way to go to get to my destination. Inside shops I may get confused if it’s new-to-me shop and I’m not familiar with the layout or in known-to-me shops the entire shop just has been rearranged but I still have at least a vague sort of idea which way an exit should be.

I don’t know about stars and moons and such because I’ve needed to travel by them.

26. Do You Write in Cursive?

I did learn it in school and it was mandatory to write in cursive until it was routine (so several years), but then later we were taught also printing by hand. And I switched to printing, and have been writing that way since.

27. What Are Your Earliest Memories of Music?

I don’t have really early memories. Earliest is my Duran Duran craze, and I was probably 7-8 years old by then.

28. What Would You Grab in a Fire?

My meds, my backpack and my laptop.

29. Do You Have Any Tattoos? If Not, Would You Ever Consider Getting a Tattoo?

Nope, and I have. But I think I’d get fed-up or just bored with a tattoo after some years and would want to change it up and that’s no doable so nope.

30. Does Buying and Accumulating More and More Stuff Make Us Happier?

After a certain point, nope.

31. When Do You Become an Adult?

Dunno. I’m going to be 50 in little over 2 months and I don’t feel like one!


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