So Obsessed
So Obsessed
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Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!
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Sep 1, 2024

Question of the Day – September 2024

By spiffikins  at


1. How Often Does Your Family Eat Together?

I live alone so I normally eat alone.

I visit my Mom a couple of times a year where we plan it so that I eat with them.

2. Is ‘Be Yourself’ Bad Advice?

It really really depends on the circumstances!

3. What’s Your Comfort Food?

Chocolate. But my real comfort “food” is actually a beverage: Frezza Coco Loco.

4. How Good a Friend Are You?

I’m very good in some aspects (such as (vounteering to) helping whenever I’m asked to help with something) but really bad in others (such as keeping in touch if we don’t see each other every week).

5. Do You Think You’ve Forged Your Lifelong Taste in Music?

It looks like it! I still love all the songs I loved when I was a kid, I’ve just added new ones to the list!

6. How Well Do You Take Criticism?

Pretty well! It might sting for a bit, but I like learning and improving and I like trying to put the criticism into practice.

7. What City or Town Most Captures Your Imagination?

London and/or Paris. Venice.

8. Is It Possible to Start Out Poor in Your Country, Work Hard and Become Well-Off?

Yes, but not without good luck. Just working hard isn’t enough.

9. What Food Would You Like to Judge in a Taste-Off?

I have no desire to participate in any kind of Taste-Off. Because that means being the center of attention, maybe in television. And I hate that idea.

10. Has Anyone Ever Said That You Look Like Someone Famous? Do You Resemble Your Parents?

Nope. I dunno. I’ve never seen my bio parents. I don’t resemble my adopted parents.

There was one time when I was 17 or 18. My Mom and I were on a package holiday in Opatija in then-Yugoslavia (just 6 months before the war started in the country), and the woman of a certain 30-something couple kept staring at me the whole week whenever we were on the same day trip. The last day or was it the second to last day, she apologized for staring and told me that they are from northern Finland and that I looked exactly like someone she knows. As far as I knew then (and now), my bio family is from western and southern Finland, not up north, but apparently I have a doppelgänger somewhere!

11. What Are Some Recent Moments of Happiness in Your Life?

I have no recent moments of happiness, but also no recent moments of sadness. I rarely feel happy, or sad, and I sometimes wonder if it’s because according to a bunch of questionnaires I am mildly depressed. But my emotional life has always been quite steady – no big highs, or lows.

I do enjoy things such as seeing my Mom, or reading an intriquing book.

12. Do You Pay Attention to Nutrition Labels on Food?

Not as much as I should. I have problems with appetite so I tend to go with the thought that it’s better to eat this unhealthy thing because the alternative is not eating at all.

13. Are You a Saver or a Tosser?

Somewhere between? Maybe slightly more of a saver, I have to be a little bit on the lookout for that!

14. Does What You Wear Say Anything About You as a Person?

That I like loose and comfortable clothing.

15. What Are You Good At?

Baking and computer stuff.

16. How Closely Do You Listen to Lyrics?

Very closely. I often hunt down the lyrics to songs, and if I can’t find them, I transcribe them myself.

17. Do You Root For Any Sports Teams?

I don’t follow sports. So no.

18. What Era Do You Wish You Had Lived In?

I used to wish I’d lived in medieval times and Wild West and Victorian England. Then I got chronically ill, and I’m grateful I don’t – I’d probably had died of weakness caused by chronic diarrhea and bowel problems within the year. Then later on I realized that needing eye glasses, I’d have been functionally blind at least in middle ages as well! And probably horribly poor in all the historical ages if I was born into similar family as I was actually was (working class).

So I’d like to live in the future where at least, of my illnesses, migraine and Crohn’s Disease are cured.

19. How Do You Cope With Grief?

When my Dad died, I went to the movies 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months immediately after.

When I got ill, and then realized the illnesses were chronic and would never go away, I wrote. I basically vomited all my thoughts in mix of fiction and fact, in mix Finnish and English in pretty notebooks. Just filled several notebooks with them over several months maybe a year or two, and if helped so much. I never re-read them. Then a couple of years later when I was more stable, I destroyed all of them by burning them and it was like I was freed.

20. What Are You Listening To?

As I write this: a standing fan, the washing machine doing a spin cycle.

21. How Impulsive Are You?

Almost not at all. Only in very minor things, such as suddenly deciding to bake something easy and quick.

22. What Was Your Favourite Fairy Tale or Nursery Rhyme?

I don’t remember.

23. What Is Your Fantasy Vacation?


24. How Much Do You Curse?

Not much. Only when I’m mad and that happens rarely since I’ve been living alone for 30+ years.

25. What Buildings Do You Love? What Buildings Do You Hate?

I love castles and palaces. I don’t hate any but I deeply dislike Brutalist architecture in general and concrete box buildings in particular that are built today at least here in Finland, whether they are apartment buildings or concert halls. They always look like each other and ugly and boring boring boring.

26. Given Unlimited Resources, What Scientific or Medical Problem Would You Investigate?


27. Have You Ever Felt Pressured to Betray Your Beliefs?


28. What Famous Landmarks Have You Visited?

Turku Castle. London Tower. Hampton Court. Korkeasaari. Have I visited others??

29. What Are Your Healthy Habits?

I don’t smoke and I don’t drink.

30. Tell Me Three Good Things That Happened This Week

I can only think of one good thing that happened this week (the rest are neutral):

The phone call with unemployment office was cancelled. It is good because the idiotic, bureautic jumping-through-stupid-hoops requirements that literally benefit no job seeker actively hinders employers, never mind are total waste of time for one who is unable to work, got pushed forward at least by a month or two.

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