So Obsessed
So Obsessed
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Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!
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Aug 29, 2024

Question of the Day – July 2024

By spiffikins  at … Catching up, here’s July questions!


1. How Easy — or Hard — Is It for You to Say No When You Want To?

In some things is a lot easier now than before – as an example, when I was younger, I never could say no to random sales people and door bell ringers :/ Now I have no problems saying no, whether it on the phone or in person.

On the other hand, I’m curious if I’d be able to say no to my boss/senior coworker now. I wasn’t when I was younger and because I was always the temp worker and if you said no, you weren’t asked back or at least I feared that. But I haven’t been able to work in 16 years and I’ve changed a lot in that time, so I genuinely curious if I would say no when asked to do take on too much work to accomplish it all or something.

2. How Good Are You at Time Management?

Pretty good. But I have to make lists these days and create alarms/reminders for tasks and appointments, or I forget them. My memory isn’t what it used to be.

3. Have You Ever Been in Love?

I’ve had crushes, but I don’t think I’ve ever been in actual love.

4. What Nicknames Have You Ever Gotten or Given?

Some of the girls in grade school gave a nickname made from my surname. I can’t say it here because I use it in same places to login. The only nicknames I’ve given were to our Beagle Caro, and they were always situational.

5. Do You Have Siblings? How Well Do/Did You Get Along With Them?

Technically, yes. I was adopted as a baby, but I have biological siblings. I’ve never met them, and only spoken in phone with one of them once.

6. Do You See Great Disparities of Wealth in Your Community?


7. What Are Your Best Sleepover Memories?

We did do sleep-overs but nothing really stands out. I just remember us having a fun time.

8. What Childhood Rules Did You Break?

Don’t steal apples from trees. Don’t bike too far aways. Don’t bike/cross the high traffic road that was too far away. Don’t buy and eat chocolate (I was allergic so I wasn’t supposed to).

9. What Is Your Racial and Ethnic Identity?

I’m about as pale a Finnish as can be, so I guess Caucasian?? We don’t think in these terms.

10. What Have You Made Yourself?

Many things! I love making little notebooks with Tomoe River or Cosmo Air Light paper! That’s one of my favorite things to make!

I also love making celebrity, tv show and movies wallpapers in Photoshop.

11. Have You Ever Experienced Food Insecurity?


12. Do/Did You Collect Anything?

Pretty notebooks. Digital photos of my favorite celebrities, tv shows and movies.

13. Who in Your Life Introduces You to New Music?

Nobody. I find new music mostly through tv shows and movies. Some via posts on Dreamwidth.

14. Are You a Saver or a Spender?

I don’t have the money to be either.

15. How Careful Are You in the Sun?

I hate the sun (too bright) and heat, so I avoid being outdoors in the summer as much as I can. But I think this question is about getting skin cancer. I’m a little bit careful because of that, not as careful as I could be but considering I don’t willingly spend any time at all in the sun, and if I can’t avoid it, then in the shade, I’m not much at risk of skin cancer. I’m always white as a sheet or as we say in Finland: valkoinen kuin kalkkilaivan kapteeni (white like the captain of a limestone ship) because I’m not outdoors to get even a ghost of tan going.

16. What Local ‘Microadventures’ Would You Like to Go On?

A couple of years ago, the local busses started to go to Kuhankuono which is in Kurjenrahka National Park. I’d love to go there, but I’m not sure if it’s too much for me because I get tired too quickly and I’m in poor physical health and can’t walk very far, and also because there’s too big a chance I’d urgently need a toilet (Crohn’s Disease) and one won’t be close by. But one day I’d like to make a trip there, it’d probably be a full day trip for me even if I don’t try to do any of the shortest hiking trails.

17. Would You Consider Moving Overseas for a Job?

Not with my current chronic illnesses. I’m not sure I’d have considered it even back when I was healthy. I don’t think I’m adventurous enough and making new friends has always been hard for me and moving abroad I’d lose the few friends I have.

18. Do You Ever Feel Overlooked and Underappreciated?

More like I shouldn’t exist. The current far right government makes me feel like that.

19. What Were Your Favorite Picture Books When You Were Little?

I don’t remember.

20. How Much Information Is ‘Too Much Information’?

Depends on the topic or the person its about and my relationship with them.

21. Would You Most Want to Live in a City, a Suburb or the Country?

I’m content where I am, in a suburb. I like the thought of living in the country far away from the nearest neighbor… until I realize that having a house in the country also means doing all the maintenance, snow plowing etc. my bloody self and the thought dies a quick death.

22. What Life Lessons Has Adversity Taught You?

That too much adversity paralyzes you and saps your strength away from you. That you don’t dare to move in any direction because experience has taught you that nothing good comes from change and the best you can hope is that things stay as they are. And if on top of that, there is a far right government in power, there is no hope for me.

23. Have You Ever Been Scammed?


24. Can Creativity Be Scheduled?

To a certain extent, yes. But it depends a lot on your health – back when I was healthy, I could schedule creative work, but now it often doesn’t work because I likely to be in too much pain or too tired to even think, much less create.

25. What’s Your Favorite Sandwich?

I love the paahtopaistipatonki (filled baguette?) my closest grocery makes. It’s a whole grain baguette filled with thin roast beef slices (deli style?), tomato slices, lettuce, sometimes cucumber slices and one or two kinds of sandwhich dressing instead of butter. It’s delicious and fulfilling.

26. What Would Your Personal Mascot Be?

Donno. Don’t care.

27. How Did Your Parents Teach You to Behave?

Nice, kind, attentive and considerate and to obey authorities. So way all the girls are thought to ignore their own needs and wellbeing, and all Finns are taught to obey authorities such as employers and bureautics such as KELA, TE-toimisto etc.

28. Are You a Perfectionist?

I am a little bit, in some things.

29. Should People Give Money to Panhandlers?

In Finland, nope.

30. What Would You Put in Your Emergency ‘Go-Bag’?

My meds would maybe the most important thing, but because some of them have such a short shelf-life, I can’t keep in it. So I’d have to put them in when I’m leaving. I suppose also water, change of clothes. Don’t really know, there’s no reason to have a emergency go-bag in Finland.

31. How Much Do You Know About History?

Quite a lot. The school taught world history back when I went to school. While I hated school, history was one the few subjects I was actually actively interested in so I paid attention and remember a lot. I’ve also read more about Ancient Egypt and a some other points of history as an adult. And history documentaries are my favorite genre of documentaries and I watch them a lot when YLE shows them.

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