So Obsessed
So Obsessed
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Welcome to So Obsessed! This is my home on the net, where I post some personal stuff, fanart, memes and news regarding my screencaps and fansites. I have lots of wallpapers and icons here, as well as FocusWriter themes and more! Have a look around and I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!
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May 29, 2024

New Glasses!

Got my new glasses today! My very first varifocal ones! ✨ I was very nervous about them because I’ve heard that some people have troubles getting used to them, although my Mom, who has been wearing varifocals for like a couple of decades if not longer, said she had no problems at all. Just a few days of getting used to just because they’re different, but no real problems at all. 

So far so good! I put the new glasses on right away in the shop, and been wearing them for about 3,5 hours now, in the big shopping centre, in my local grocery store and here at home so pretty much doing my most usual stuff. No problems so far, just have noticed some minor differences to the old ones that mean I have a turn my head a little bit more than before just turning my eyes was enough. And that when I walk and look downwards close to in front of me, the tiles/ground is a little blurry because that’s the reading area but it not a problem – I don’t think it’ll affect things like going up or down the stairs or something like that. Didn’t need to do that today so I have no experience about that yet though!

Reading my smart phones screen is much for comfortable now though! I am actually a little surprised about that! I knew it used to be better before and that now I only could do it for a short while such as checking bus schedules and WhatsApp/text messages while out and about to see if there’s changes to where/when to we’ll meet, but I hadn’t realized how uncomfortable it in reality was. I just knew I couldn’t read longer stuff like news or fiction because my right eye would start to water after a while of that and my sight would go blurry. But now it feels like normal, I guess! 

I haven’t read a book yet, or written using pen and paper and I can’t wait to find out about those things! Being unable to read for a long time was the reason why I got these – my far sight was almost unchanged but reading/near sight had become so much poorer that I was practically forced to get new glasses because of that.

I hope my eye sight stays unchanged now for years and years and years. These are I think the 5th new glasses in the last 9 years? My eye sight remained unchanged for about 18 years, but suddenly it started to go worse quickly. A couple of times the new glasses were only good for a year before I couldn’t see again, and a couple of times they’re good for about 3 years. The optician said that it’s normal to start to have that happen when turning 40. And also my illnesses and meds can have an effect on my eyes and eyesight, although there are no current outward signs of that. Whatever the case, I’m fed up having to buy glasses every few years!

I had arranged to meet up with my Mom in the shopping centre while fetching my new glasses; she was also getting fitted for new glasses but in an another shop (there are at least 2 optician/eye glasses shops in that shopping centre). My Mom isn’t allowed to have her glasses prescribed by an optician and she always needs to see an eye doctor. She did that last week, and because she always gets eye drops put in her eyes that blur her vision for many hours, she can never see the eye doctor and select new glasses on the same trip. So she came out today to select new ones. My new glasses cost 509 euros and included prescription sun-glasses for free, but my Mom’s even more expensive – hers cost just over 1000 euros and she also got prescription sun-glasses for free. She always curses that she can’t get glasses cheaply or for a moderate price – even when she was specifically told by the eye doctor to buy cheap classes because she might not be able to use them for even a year before the cataract became so bad it needed to operated on, the cheapest glasses she was able to get still cost 400 euros. While it seems like everyone around us buy glasses and they only cost 200 euros at most in the same shops. It sucks to had such a bad eye sight! Mine’s not as bad hers, but apparently still worse than a lot of other peoples. My cheapest glasses as an adult cost 300 euros and I purposely left out one of the comfort modifications – that would have hiked the price by another 100. And now that I need varifocals it’s always going to be even more expensive from now on. Next time I’m lucky if I can’t get new varifocals even for 509 euros, considering prices going up all the time.

Mom and I talked about prices of glasses and we’re convinced that there must be a lot air in the regular prices when the shops are able to sell a 1000 euros for glasses + another pair of the same price for free when the real price would be 2000 for both. Why not sell with sensible/moderate prices??

But in any case – very excited to have my first varifocals! 💖 And very excited and curious to see how reading  a book goes as well as writing with a pen and paper! ✨

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